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Winter is hard when you have toddlers in your home. And it can be so easy to just turn the tv on to occupy them when it’s too cold to get outside. I am so guilty of this myself.
But I have really tried to reduce our screen time this winter. Sometimes that means getting creative. And sometimes that means I put a little extra work on myself.
I do want to say that I don’t believe screens are all bad. It just depends on how you used them.
There will be different seasons where you may let your kids watch more tv and that’s okay. It can be a great tool for us as mothers if we are wise with how we allow it in our homes and filter what our kids watch. There are so many great shows that teach children biblical lessons. (If you want some suggestions you can find some in this post!)
Now let’s get back to some ways that you can help your toddlers have a screen-free winter.
Honestly these would be great for kids of any age. You may have to adjust some of the activities depending on your child, but this is just the season of life I am currently in with two little boys.
And many of these activities are completely free! A few of these you may want to purchase a few items for or you may already have similar things laying around your home.
Ice or Pom Pom Scoop
This one is always a hit with my toddlers. I will set out some bowls, measuring cups, spoons, pitchers, and any other containers I have and let them have at it. (Here is a great kit to get you started!)
This activity will keep them occupied for 45 minutes or longer (especially the pom poms!)
Another option if you live somewhere that gets a lot of snow in the winter is to bring some of the snow indoors to do this activity. Your kids will love it!
Sensory Bins
This activity is so fun because you can get so creative with it. There are so many possibilities!
We like doing oats with little trucks and scoops or kinetic sand with animals or cars. There are so many ways you can make a sensory bin depending on your child’s interest and age.
What I like to do is take a small plastic storage bin and fill it with all the items the day before. That way it’s easy for me to grab and give to my boys when they are getting restless for something to do.
You can find all the supplies you need to start your own sensory bins here!
Play Dough
I try to make this fun for my kids instead of just handing them a container of play dough. Sometimes I will put it in their sensory bins. Other times I will sit with them and make shapes, numbers, and letters for my oldest to name.
If you’re looking for a non-toxic play dough option check this brand out!
A Train Set
Having a wooden train set in our home has given our boys hours of enjoyment. They love building it and then destroying it. My oldest will set up the town and drive the cars. It’s really been great to have this winter!
This one and this one are two of our favorites!
I don’t know why but colorful buttons will occupy my kids for an hour or longer. I will put them in a sensory bin or just give them some to play with in their play kitchen. They will cook with them, drop them into a slit in an old container, or organize them by color. It’s really fun to watch where their imagination leads!
Doing DIYs
If your kids are older this is something that they could do themselves. But if you have toddlers like me you may have to pretty much make it for them.
Some things we like to make are binoculars out of paper towel rolls, cameras out of cardboard, flowers out of tissue paper, and animals out of paper plates.
This is something else that my boys love! They will spend so long on puzzles if I get a big box of them out.
My youngest likes the one with the pegs to hold. But my oldest is now loving jigsaw puzzles.
You can find a bunch of wooden ones we love on this list.
Water Play
Another activity that is always a hit! Sometimes I will make a water sensory bin or bring extra cups into the bath. But honestly pulling a chair up to the kitchen sink is where my boys have the most fun! Just be sure to have a few towels handle and remember that it is only water.
So this is so simple but is something that is so fun for them! Pulling a chair up or having them sit on the counter while I bake makes their day. They love helping me mix and pour things into the bowl. Cookies and breads are some of my boys’ favorites to help me with! And what I love is that it really does take up a good amount of time if you’re not in a rush, which in turn cuts down on screen time.
A Popsicle Bath
If you’re looking for a fun mess free activity this is the best! My boys still beg for popsicles even in the winter. But when we can’t get outside it is hard for them to eat those around the house without making a mess.
So I love to have a random bath time for my kids and give them popsicles while they play in the water. And when they’re done you just wash all the sticky off. It’s so easy!
Those are some simple indoor, screen-free activities your toddlers can do this winter.
Hopefully those gave you some good ideas if you are wanting to cut down on your tv time for your little ones. And that these will help you feel more at peace in your motherhood journey.
If you have any other favorite activities that your kids do leave them below! I’m always looking for new things to add to our rotation.