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Faith Filled Fall Traditions for Your Family

I don’t know about you but I love the fall season. Everything from the cooler weather, the changing leaves, and every feeling that comes with autumn, I just love it!

This fall season I really want to see the Lord and His beauty.

With having two little boys who are constantly eager to discover and investigate I want to be able to show them God’s creation, answer every question with “because God,” and establish traditions that will always point to Him.

So this fall season I am planning some faith filled activities and traditions for my toddlers and for our whole family in general.

If you are in a similar season of life with little ones and you have a desire to show them God in this fall season here are some things I’m doing this year with my boys. Hopefully these will help and inspire you too.

Slow down.

The fall season is when creation is preparing to go into hibernation. Everything is slowing down, removing the old, and getting ready for a rest. Why shouldn’t we do the same? Teach your little ones to slow down, enjoy the little things, worship the Father, reflect on the Lord’s creation, and just slow down durning this season.

Observe the Lord’s fall feasts.

Do you know that God appointed specific days to be observed and celebrated during the fall? This so fun to do whether you have little ones or not. Open the book of Leviticus and discover how the observe the Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, and the Feasts of Booths and see how they reflect our Savior.

Do fall activities.

There are so many printable and activities you can find out there to do with your children during the fall. But I really wanted any activities I do with my boys to be focused on the Lord. Here are some that we are doing.

  • make a paper or finger painted tree with the fruits of the Spirit or what we are thankful for listed on it
  • a fall scavenger hunt focusing on God’s creation
  • leaf painting focusing on the details God cares about
  • fall themed coloring pages with Bible verses
  • making paper trumpets for the Feast of Trumpets
  • including them in building our sukkah for the Feast of Booths

The fall season is not about the pumpkin spice coffees and man-made holidays. It is about discovering God’s plan for His creation and for us. And in turn teaching that to our children.

I created this printable package for the faith filled fall activities that we are doing this year. I pray that it will inspire your family this season too! Check it out here!

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