From the moment you find out you’re pregnant your life completely changes. Almost every decision you make will effect your child in some way.
Your life will change. Everything from the time you wake up to your daily schedules to how you eat your meals will look different.
Especially in the baby and toddler season of motherhood, which is what I’m currently in, our time is rarely our own.
There are unexpected moments that come up, poorly timed accidents, and plans that have to be rearranged because things happen in motherhood. And it can be so easy to lose your old self, your wants, and your desires in this season of motherhood. But I want to tell you a little secret…
You are supposed to lose yourself in motherhood.
This is a season of growth and refinement. The moment you have your first little one you are a whole new person. There is a new physical half piece of you in this world. And the next fifteen to twenty years of your life will be devoted to instructing and guiding this little one.
You are no longer a single girl living for yourself. You no longer just have your husband to serve each day. And you no longer have a relatively easy life.
Motherhood is meant to test you and prune you.
There will be moments when your toddler’s outburst will test your patience. And there will be times when you will need to model God’s love while your little ones are having a rough day.
You will being leaning into the Lord’s strength and start letting go of your own control. Through the refinement which motherhood brings you will really come to know what living by faith means and how to rely only on Him to get through this journey.
Proverbs 4:25-27 tells us, “Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you. Ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will be sure. Do not swerve to the right or to the left; turn your foot away from evil.“
And this can be applied to motherhood. Do not let your focus go away from the Lord as you mother your children and care for your home. Let your gaze be on Him at all times.
Because He will change you and make you a wiser person by the end of this journey of motherhood.
Don’t allow the comments that the world makes or the lies that the enemy will put in your head to distract your from the legacy goal. Because you will hear things that make you think you should be doing more or that you are less than for not remaining the same person you were before becoming a mother.
But you are suppose to lose yourself in motherhood so that the light of the Lord can shine.
You are an example to your family and to this world. Be that light and embrace that change or that “losing yourself.” Because by doing so you will be paving that Kingdom legacy for your kids.
If you want to go farther with this mindset and start getting your home in order for the Lord you can download a free guide here to help you do just that!