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Dedication Boot Camp Book Review

I always love a good faith-based book or Bible study. But there are so many that are on the marked today that are just full of fluff or only about surface-level biblical themes.

Dedication Boot Camp: Biblical Tactics for Winning This Spiritual War is not that way.

This ten chapter study will equip you with all that you need to fight the war that we are in as God’s people.

There is so much evil in the world that is fighting for our attention. And we, as God’s children, need to prepare our minds, hearts, and spirits to defend ourselves against the evils that this culture throws at us.

In this study, you will dive deep into Scripture and learn how to use biblical tactics to defend yourself from the enemy of God.

Here is the synopsis from the back of the book!

If you knew that choosing to follow the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob meant you were signing up for WAR, would you still choose His path? Did you really KNOW that the moment you chose to walk in the footsteps of Messiah, you enlisted in His Army? Revelation talks about a “war in heaven” Daniel speaks of a spiritual war penetrated by his fasting and praying. Maybe you knew theoretically but didn’t realize just how palpable this war would be. And if it doesn’t seem that way, maybe you’re too distracted to see the war going on around you. Or maybe you’re so focused on the battle that you’ve forgotten what you’re fighting for.

Facing war head on has a way of putting life into perspective. When the reality and urgency of war kicks in, all a soldier cares about is winning that war and getting home. That’s exactly how we should live as God’s people! This world is not our home, and there are enemy soldiers right and left looking to devour us. How do we win this war? The key is held within God’s greatest commandment: “Love the LORD your God with ALL your heart, with ALL your soul, and with ALL your mind.” (Matt. 22:37)

How do we do that? Enter Dedication Boot Camp to dig deep and discover the answer.

If you want to have a broader understanding of Scripture and be equipped to fight for the Lord, grab this book for yourself!

You can purchase it here and check out the author’s social media here!

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