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Setting Goals that Align with God’s Word

It’s almost the new year and this is the time people think about setting goals. I know that not everyone does this. But it is a popular thing to do at the turn of the year. And I want to give you some help and maybe a little bit of conviction when you are thinking about the goals you are setting for the new year.

If you are a daughter of God your goals should reflect holiness and how you can be actively walking in His ways.

And if we are being honest many of the goals we tend to set are from a selfish mindset. Just look at the goal of getting fit. Are you doing it to like your body more and have the best figure? Or are you doing it for health reasons?

I just want to start off by encouraging you to look at your heart posture as your setting goals.

What are the reasons? And what are you hoping to gain from completing those goals?

And then see if your goals are aligned with God’s Word?

Open up your Bible to Philippians 4:8 and compare what that verse says to each of your goals. Compare your marriage or relationship goals to 1 Corinthians 13. See if how you want to grow your character aligns with the fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 6. There are so many other places in Scripture you can look to to see if the goals you are setting align with God’s Word.

After that determine if the goals you are setting will take you away from what God has blessed you with?

For example, if you are mother to littles and you have a goal of traveling alone as much as possible this next year that goal is going to take you away from where God has placed you. Of course it will depend on your circumstances for some things. But I would encourage you to spend a lot of time in prayer for any decisions like that.

And lastly see if the goals you are setting are going to pull you more towards the world and its ways instead of toward the Lord and true kingdom work.

This will definitely depend on your life and what the Lord is calling you to. If you are a young mother but you and your husband really feel like the Lord is calling you to go minister on the streets in a big city, definitely heed that call. But I don’t think God is going to be calling too many new mothers to this.

Please go to the Lord with your goals. Ask Him if they are aligned with His Word. Pray to Him to even reveal what goals you need to set so that He can prune and refine you this upcoming year.

Like His Word says, we need to do all unto Him. And that includes the goals we decide to set at the beginning of the year.

If you have a goal that aligns with God’s Word that you want to share comment it below! I would love to know the goals God is laying on your hearts!

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