• Faith - Inspiration

    Being Kingdom Focused in a Self Focused World

    If you take a look at our world today, our culture is just very self-focused. And unfortunately most of our thoughts are driven from that self-focused and self-taught culture. It’s just because we live in that mindset and because that is the majority of what we consume. When we are consuming things of this world, we will become like the world. Consuming self-focused advice, things from Hollywood, releases from our culture, and so on will just lead to those things dictating our thoughts. But we are called to consume heavenly things and dwell on things that are pure. That is…

  • Faith - Home - Inspiration - Motherhood - Relationships - Uncategorized

    How to Have a Kingdom Mindset in the Mundane

    Life gets tiring. Doing the same thing every single day can seem useless. I get it. Recently I fell into the mindset of feeling trapped. Cleaning the same messes, changing the same diapers, having the same responsibilities each and every day seemed like it would never end. And it won’t for a while.  This is the season I am in right now. And there is a reason for that. But what does cleaning the same messes have to do with living for the Kingdom?  It has everything to do with it! Through the mundane days and seemingly useless responsibilities I…