• Inspiration - Motherhood - Uncategorized

    How to Actually Have a Restful Sabbath with Toddlers

    So right now in my season of life I am constantly doing something. Whether that is changing diapers, cleaning messes, or feeding littles mouths, the responsibilities I have don’t ever stop. Even on my sabbaths. When I entered this busy season of motherhood with babies and now toddlers my sabbaths began to feel unmanageable and just not restful. I was so stressed that I wasn’t resting “like God intended” and that my sabbaths were not pleasing to Him. But that’s just so not true. Matthew 11:28-30 tells us, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give…

  • Faith - Motherhood - Uncategorized

    Tips for Reading the Bible for a Toddler Mom

    Right now in this season of having two under three my quiet time looks far from quiet. Reading God’s Word doesn’t look like it did when I didn’t have kids or even when I was single. But I know how important reading the Bible is to me in this season of being a toddler mom. Without God’s Word I am not going to be able to care for my kids well, serve my family, and continue in righteousness. That’s why all moms need to be reading the Bible. So here are some tips that worked for me to still get…