• Faith - Uncategorized

    Speaking God’s Truth and a Prayer for Our Country

    There is a lot going on in our world right now. And there is so much fear and confusion that stems from the unknowns. But there is something that we do know, and that is that God is in control. Even in these times of uncertainty, He is still in control. He is sitting on His throne and in looking out for His people. But I realize that in times like these, God’s complete control can sometimes be forgotten. So I want to give you some verses that tell of God’s control and protection. Romans 8:28 And we know that…

  • Faith - Forgiveness - Inspiration - Relationships - Uncategorized

    To the Lonely Girl

    I think everyone goes through a season of loneliness at some point in their life. Every girl will experience the loneliness of being single. And as a Christian, you may experience a time when it feels as if you are the only one on earth living for the Lord. Whatever the lonely season is that you may be in, know that it is only that—a season. But loneliness actually doesn’t exist if you are a believer in the living God. There are so many verses that tell us that we are not alone. No matter when or where we feel…