Wisdom comes up over and over again in God’s Word. If you need to know how to get wisdom just open up Proverbs. That one book alone is packed with answers.
We all need wisdom from the Lord, no matter what season of life you are in.
But there is something about the mundane days of motherhood that requires wisdom.
As mothers we do the same tasks each day, tend to cries, clean up messes, mop spills off the floor, feed little mouths what feels like non-stop, clean up more messes, and stay up late with little ones who can’t sleep. There is a lot of mundane in motherhood. Those little responsibilities and unexpected moments are hard to get through when you are doing the same thing each day.
But that’s where wisdom from the Lord comes in.
It’s easy to get caught up in the narrative that life is better without kids, you need a life of your own, being a stay at home mom isn’t worth anything, and so on. But that is so not true. Motherhood is such a rewarding job. That is why we need to have wisdom for the mundane.
Wisdom is so important for us as believers. If we do not want to gain wisdom than we will not be able to live the holy life God desires us too.
If you don’t know where to start to begin getting wisdom I would suggest reading the book of Proverbs. Just start there. That book has so many reminders, suggestions, and great insight to getting wisdom and putting away folly.
“How much better to get wisdom than gold! To get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver.” (Proverbs 16:16)
So when we as mothers who are in the thick of mundane responsibilities each and every day gain wisdom we are able to serve our family with such grace, strength, faith, and ability that only comes from the Lord.
You will need wisdom when you start to lose control of your attitude because you have been correcting all day. You will need wisdom when your four year old comes asking difficult questions that they want you to answer. You will need wisdom when your baby won’t stay asleep at night. You will need wisdom when your favorite coffee mug gets broken because your children were playing a little too rough. You will need wisdom when your husband comes home from work and all you want to do is break down.
Those are the mundane moments that will need wisdom from the Lord in this season of motherhood.
“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” (James 1:5)
So ask the Lord to grant you wisdom each morning. Before even getting out of bed say this prayer.
Then do things to actively allow room for wisdom. By this I mean reading God’s Word, removing worldly distractions, focusing of God’s truth, and seeking that in every way. And also fill your children’s days with God’s truth. Set their lives up for success by filling their childhood years with God’s Word.
Wisdom only comes from the Lord. No amount of books, google research, or groups of girlfriends will give you the true wisdom that will help you get through this motherhood season.
I hope this post encouraged you to seek heavenly things and pray for wisdom. Because if you do that the Lord will generously bless you with wisdom not only for the big moments but also for your everyday, mundane responsibilities.
If you want to transform your life to living the way God intended your family to, download my free guide to getting your home in order for the Lord here!