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3 Things We Can Learn from the Life of Esther

Queen Esther is such an amazing character to look at. And as women of God we can learn so much from this woman of God.

Esther was bold and strong. She changed the history for God’s people.

There are so many character traits of Esther’s that stand out in her story. But we are going to look at just three today.

1) Esther was inwardly beautiful and won the favor of all she met.

Chapter 2 of the book of Esther tells us of Esther’s journey to becoming the queen. She was taken away from all she knew and placed in the palace among 399 other women competing to become the next queen of Persia.

But we are told that Esther won the favor of everyone she came across. The way she lived her life, spoke, and acted was beautiful. And she had the favor of those around her.

2) Esther was prayerful.

After she heard the news about the evil decree to kill her people, Esther knew that this was why she was placed as the queen. She knew God placed her in the palace for this exact time.

But before she went to the king to tell him of this evil plot, she fasted and prayed for three days. Esther knew that she could not do this alone. She needed God on her side and wanted to pour her heart out to Him first before going to the king.

3) Esther was wise with her requests.

When Esther first went to the king she could have just told him about the evil decree right up front. But instead she chose to go about it little by little.

She made her requests personal, appeasing to the king, and was wise with her words. This shows us that Esther truly thought about what the best way was to expose Haman and save her people.

Among many other things, Esther was inwardly beautiful, prayerful, and wise.

Esther’s story is such a beautiful one that we can learn so much from. And when you really dig in to her character, there is so much that can be learned from her life too.

In His amazing love,

Hannah Marie

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