• Faith - Inspiration - Motherhood - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    5 Ways to Grow Your Relationship with the Lord in Motherhood

    The season of motherhood is a full one. I’m only two years in but I’m already learning that there are many ups and downs. Just one hour could be filled with so many tears and so many giggles. It is definitely a tiring season. And there are many days that I just want to do the bare minimum. And to be honest, for a long time, the thought of incorporating reading my Bible into my daily schedule kind of scared me. I was already so busy with housework, my work, and  keeping little humans alive. The thought of having a…

  • Faith - Inspiration - Motherhood - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    Learning to Become a Woman of Prayer

    Prayer is so powerful. It is such an amazing gift that our Heavenly Father has given to us and that He wants us to use to communicate with Him. But there is so much more to prayer than just communicating with God. Prayer holds power. It has the ability to change outcomes and transform lives. And as a daughter of God I believe it is your responsibility to learn to become a woman of prayer. If you’re like me you probably were never taught to prayer besides praying kind of on the shallow end. You were never taught to go…

  • Faith - Inspiration - Motherhood - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    10 Verses for Busy Moms to Meditate On Today

    If you are a busy mom, it can be so hard to find encouragement as you are doing all the mundane responsibilities throughout the day. As soon as you get one thing completed, there are ten more responsibilities calling your attention. I get it. I’m right there with you. There are days that I go without picking up my Bible. And there are weeks that pass until I realize that I have not been meditating on God’s promises and studying His Word. It can be hard to study the Bible and meditate on God’s Word when you are in a…

  • Faith - Health - Home - Inspiration - Natural Living - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    How to Bring Your Faith Into Your Birth

    You can read all the books, take all the classes, and watch all the videos. But you’ll never be prepared to give birth if this is your first time.  Right now I am pregnant with our second. And during my first pregnancy I did all those things. I knew everything that had to do with the physical aspect of giving birth. All of that is so good to know and I’m definitely not telling you to not do your research in those areas! But what I believe is more important than knowing about the physical side to birth is knowing…

  • Health - Natural Living - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    Pregnancy Must Haves for the Natural Mama

    *This post may contain affiliate links where I will earn a small commission from your purchase. As of the time I’m writing this post I am 33 weeks pregnant with our second. For me it has been important to keep my pregnancy as natural as possible and do things that will support my body through this time. I did a lot of research during my first pregnancy and incorporated many things through both that have helped me tremendously. And, from many requests, I have finally put together a list of pregnancy must haves for the natural mamas. So whether this…

  • Faith - Home - Inspiration - Relationships - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    A Letter to the Tired Mama

    Dear tired mama, No matter how many years you’ve been doing this or how many little ones you have, the tired feeling will come. I’ve only been a mama for six months and have already seen my share of struggles, giggles, and tiredness. In the back of our minds we wish we could put it off, take a break, and make it stop. But we can’t. If we stop doing all the things, life will truly stop. There are little ones who count on you, a home that needs your care, and a hundred tasks that need to be accomplished…

  • Faith - Inspiration - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    3 Things We Can Learn from the Life of Esther

    Queen Esther is such an amazing character to look at. And as women of God we can learn so much from this woman of God. Esther was bold and strong. She changed the history for God’s people. There are so many character traits of Esther’s that stand out in her story. But we are going to look at just three today. 1) Esther was inwardly beautiful and won the favor of all she met. Chapter 2 of the book of Esther tells us of Esther’s journey to becoming the queen. She was taken away from all she knew and placed…