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How to Bring Your Faith Into Your Birth

You can read all the books, take all the classes, and watch all the videos. But you’ll never be prepared to give birth if this is your first time. 

Right now I am pregnant with our second. And during my first pregnancy I did all those things. I knew everything that had to do with the physical aspect of giving birth.

All of that is so good to know and I’m definitely not telling you to not do your research in those areas! But what I believe is more important than knowing about the physical side to birth is knowing the mental side.

Giving birth and going through labor is such a mental and spiritual thing.

And if you are a woman of faith you will want to include your faith in your birth experience. Believe me!

But you may be wondering how to do that and what that actually looks like. 

Well here are five ways to bring your faith into your birth story!

Connect with the Lord during your pregnancy.

You can’t flip a switch to turn your relationship with the Lord on as soon as you go into labor. It just doesn’t work like that. 

So during your months of pregnancy work on growing your relationship with Him. Dive into His Word, spend time in prayer, meditate on the promises He gives, and connect with Him on a deeper level during this time. 

Write out prayers + meditations.

I did this with my first birth and will be doing it again as I prepare to go into labor with our second. 

Take some time to write out some short prayers, phrases, meditations, Bible verses, and quotes that will remind you of God’s goodness, provision, and strength to read while you are in labor. 

Make a birth playlist.

This is something else that I did that helped me so much! Make a playlist for yourself that is full of worship music, scripture readings, and affirmations to play while you are going through labor.

Use tools that He gives us.

God has blessed us with some amazing things to help us cope with the pain and pressure of birth. From relaxing your jaw to being in water to using essential oils for so many things, He has given us some natural tools to help us bring our babies into the world. 

Come up with a phrase or motto.

During your pregnant months come up with a phrase that reminds you why you will be going through labor, that God is helping you, that there is hope, etc. This will become your motto to use during labor. 

Here are a few examples—“Go before me, Heavenly Father.” “With every wave there is purpose.” “It’s just pressure.” “Lord, enter here.”

Birth is an amazing experience. And it’s even more amazing when you decide to bring your faith into it.

I am definitely not an expert in this area. But I know that being grounded in your relationship with the Lord, worshiping Him through the hard times, and giving all to Him will help you during any season of life. That includes birth. 

In His amazing love,

Hannah Marie

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