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Goals for Every Mother to Set This Year

It’s the beginning of a new year and so many of us are setting goals and resolutions. We begin pouring so much of our time into healthy habits, exercising, money goals, and self-help improvement. Which all of those are great. Don’t get me wrong!

But if you are reading this and you’re a mother I want to encourage you to set some goals that will help you in your motherhood journey this year.

Motherhood is a job that is so incredibly important to God. He has given us, as mothers, a huge responsibility to shepherd our childrens’ hearts and continually teach them about Him.

It’s not an easy job.

Even if we are just talking about the cleaning, tending, helping, changing, washing, playing, and all else that comes with motherhood, it is a hard job–both physically and mentally.

So as we enter this next calendar year I pray that you will take into regards how very important being a biblical mother is. Both to your children and to the Lord.

These goals that I am about to share will help you realign your mindset towards motherhood and just tending to your family as a whole. Some I am going to incorporate myself this year. Others I have worked hard to achieve this past year.

But take it one day at a time and lean on God for all the help you need on this biblical motherhood journey.

Spend less time on your phone/screens.

So you may have heard this one so many times before but it’s truly so important. Your children want your attention. They need you to see the small moments of their lives because to them those are major joys. And spending time scrolling or binging tv is not what you need to be doing in this season of life.

This year, start putting down your phone. Set timers on your apps if that helps. Or delete apps if that’s better. Go outside, start baking, pick up a hobby, and turn the tv off.

Have a “quiet” time each day.

This is something I’m going to try to get better at this year. Days get busy when you are a mother and it’s easy to just not pick up your Bible throughout the day. 

But as a mother you need to be equipped to fight off the enemy’s attacks on your family. And getting in the Word will help you do so as well as grow you closer to your Creator.

And if you’re in the early stages of motherhood your quiet time may not be too quiet, but that’s okay! You may be interrupted multiple times and you may just get to read half a chapter one day. But really try to get some “quiet time” with the Lord every day.

Prayer walk your home.

This will change your family. When we come before the Lord in prayer, intercede for our family, speak God’s authority into your home, and cover your house in His protection the enemy will not be able to step foot into your home.

Prayer walking your home will be one of the best things you can do as a mother and wife. Try it for a week and see the difference within your home.

Work on your time management.

Managing your time is a skill that every mother must master. Whether you only have a few responsibilities every week or are working multiple jobs from home, you will need to learn to manage your time well.

With housework, kids, friendships, social events, and more scheduling your days and weeks will be so beneficial.

Set fifteen minutes aside each day for EACH kid.

Spending fifteen minutes of uninterrupted time with your child will change their mood. Doing this has been said to reduce tantrums and meltdowns. And you are just taking time out of your schedule to pour into your children who all they want is your attention.

This may look different in every season of life so do your best with this goal in your current season.

Focus on good behavior.

This one is aimed especially at moms with littles. It is so easy to focus on the bad things that our children do. Those bad moments get our biggest reactions and those times of discipline we are more fully engaged. 

So this year I encourage you to focus more on good behavior. Praise the house they built. Fully focus when they come running over saying “mama, mama!” Put down the phone when they are completing something that may seem little to us and encourage them in it. 

I’m not saying to ignore the bad behavior and not discipline them when needed. But I just want to encourage you to not let those times be the only moments we give them the big moments of our attention.

Declutter toys, clothes, etc.

Take some time to go through your children’s toys and clothes and declutter. It will make new year systems and routines run smoother. And it will help you reorganize all of their things after all the presents they may have just received last month.

Wake up before your kids.

As mothers we have a lot to do during the day. And we can sometimes feel like we can never have a moment to ourselves. So try waking up before your kids and establish routines for yourself.

Each season looks different though. So don’t feel bad if you are in the newborn stage or are dealing with little ones who have trouble sleeping. The time to wake up early will come.

Fill your days with Scripture.

Your kids are at the perfect age to soak up information. And instead of feeding them everything and anything why are we not feeding them the Word of God?

So fill your days with God’s Scripture. From songs to tv shows to Bible stories, there are so many ways to fill your days with God’s Word.

Establish a weekly Sabbath.

The Lord commanded His followers to observe a sabbath day in the ten commandments. And that still applies to us today. 

And when you start incorporating a sabbath day into your week you will see the benefits in your home and family. Obeying the Lord’s commands will really change the way you live! If you want to learn how to establish a Sabbath and how you can love doing it, check out this book!

Learn a new homemaking skill.

If there is an area of keeping the home that you want to learn more about or a skill that you want to master, set that goal for this year!

This could be meal planning, coming up with a cleaning system, baking sourdough, making your own products, or sewing (mine!) Whatever you feel like you could do better or just want to learn, put it in your goals this year.

Being a biblical mother is more than just opening your Bible. It has to do with everything from homemaking to praying. And it is a beautiful job!

I pray that you grow in the Lord and in your motherhood this year. Stay focused on the Kingdom goal and press into your Heavenly Father every day. And He will help you reach your goals.

In His amazing love,

Hannah Marie

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