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How to Anoint Your Home and Why You Should

About two years ago I grabbed a bottle of an essential oil and anointed our home for the first time. We had just moved into our apartment and a lot of bad circumstances started happening. We had a flea infestation from the previous tenants, our son started having night terrors every hour, and I found tarot card printables and a list for healing crystals from the people who lived in the apartment before us. 

I didn’t know what to do. We thought we had made a terrible mistake by moving.

Then I remembered seeing someone on Instagram talk about anointing her home and the importance of doing so.

So I thought I would at least give it a try and just beg the Father to make a change. I googled what oils to use for anointing and one article had rosemary in the list. That’s the only “anointing oil” I had at the time. So I grabbed it and started prayer walking my home.

I anointed the doorposts and the windowsills. I put oil on our bed, on every closet door, in every room, and in all areas that I could think of. I walked around welcoming the Lord’s Spirit and begged Him to remove any spiritual thing that had remained in this apartment.

And you know what? I saw God move.

Everything started going okay. Our son stopped waking up screaming. And we started to see light at the end of all these difficult circumstances.  

I’m not going to say that our life is all sunshine and rainbows because I continue to anoint our home. Because it’s not. We still see our fair share of struggles.

But I also see God continually moving within our home when I take the time to anoint and pray.

There are countless places in Scripture that talk about anointing oil and our anointing with the Holy Spirit. We have direct access to God through the Holy Spirit. That is why our prayers get heard and answered. 

Anointing your home is just a physical act of giving our home over to the Lord and blessing your dwelling place.

If you want to start anointing your home just grab some oil. You can use any essential oil (I love frankincense, cedarwood, or lavender) or just olive oil out of your pantry. Or you can make an anointing oil blend, which is what I like to do.

And then just prayer walk your home and anoint where you feel led. I would suggest anointing the doorways, your television, your beds, and anywhere you feel like the enemy is trying to enter your house. Let the Lord’s Spirit guide you in this.

Do it as much as you feel like you need to. This will be different in different seasons. Sometimes you will have more spiritual warfare that you need to combat. Other times you will just be periodically blessing your home.

Just always allow the Father to guide you when you anoint your home.

And I pray that if you try anointing your home you see the Lord’s hand on you and your family. I pray that walls fall down and doors open. By His power He can make anything happen.

Check out my Instagram to see more of how I anoint my home and encouragement for the Kingdom-minded homemaker!

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