• Faith - Home - Prayer

    How to Anoint Your Home and Why You Should

    About two years ago I grabbed a bottle of an essential oil and anointed our home for the first time. We had just moved into our apartment and a lot of bad circumstances started happening. We had a flea infestation from the previous tenants, our son started having night terrors every hour, and I found tarot card printables and a list for healing crystals from the people who lived in the apartment before us.  I didn’t know what to do. We thought we had made a terrible mistake by moving. Then I remembered seeing someone on Instagram talk about anointing…

  • Faith - Home - Prayer

    Scriptures to Pray Through Every Moment of the Day

    We are told to pray without ceasing. But for many, they don’t really know what that means. As God’s children we are supposed to have a relationship with Him. That means we need to talk to Him like He is our best friend, ask His advice like a father, speak to Him like He is our Bridegroom, and come to Him when we are lost and afraid.  Praying may seem daunting or even difficult when we don’t know how to have a true relationship with the Lord. It takes practice, like any good relationship. So don’t give up. If you…