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    Goals for Every Mother to Set This Year

    It’s the beginning of a new year and so many of us are setting goals and resolutions. We begin pouring so much of our time into healthy habits, exercising, money goals, and self-help improvement. Which all of those are great. Don’t get me wrong! But if you are reading this and you’re a mother I want to encourage you to set some goals that will help you in your motherhood journey this year. Motherhood is a job that is so incredibly important to God. He has given us, as mothers, a huge responsibility to shepherd our childrens’ hearts and continually…

  • Faith - Motherhood - Uncategorized

    Verses to Pray Over Your Children

    Children are a gift from the Lord. And as parents we are responsible for their upbringing both physically and spiritually.  Our children are a blessing to us but they are ultimately His. The Lord has given us the responsibility of them but we must work on giving them back to Him.  One way we can care for our children is by praying for them and over them.  Praying for their futures, their health, their walk with the Lord, their character, and anything else is just so important no matter how old your children are.  And praying scripture over your children…

  • Faith - Inspiration - Motherhood - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    10 Verses for Busy Moms to Meditate On Today

    If you are a busy mom, it can be so hard to find encouragement as you are doing all the mundane responsibilities throughout the day. As soon as you get one thing completed, there are ten more responsibilities calling your attention. I get it. I’m right there with you. There are days that I go without picking up my Bible. And there are weeks that pass until I realize that I have not been meditating on God’s promises and studying His Word. It can be hard to study the Bible and meditate on God’s Word when you are in a…

  • Faith - Home - Inspiration - Relationships - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    A Letter to the Tired Mama

    Dear tired mama, No matter how many years you’ve been doing this or how many little ones you have, the tired feeling will come. I’ve only been a mama for six months and have already seen my share of struggles, giggles, and tiredness. In the back of our minds we wish we could put it off, take a break, and make it stop. But we can’t. If we stop doing all the things, life will truly stop. There are little ones who count on you, a home that needs your care, and a hundred tasks that need to be accomplished…

  • Inspiration - Relationships - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    The Lost Appreciation for Motherhood

    “All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute all my success in life to the moral, intellectual, and physical education I received from her.”–George Washington. “My mother was the making of me. She was so true, so sure of me; and I felt I had something to live for, someone I must not disappoint.”–Thomas Alva Edison “All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angle Mother.”–Abraham Lincoln Being a mother is such an important and rewarding job. But so many women in today’s culture view the role of motherhood and homemaking to be…