• Faith - Inspiration - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    For Such a Time as This (Part 2)

    The story of Esther is a beautiful one. And in the last post we looked at her courage to do what was right and change the outcome for her people. In this post we will look at how God’s people, because of Esther’s courage, reacts to this new decree. Haman was such a prideful man and hated the Jews, Esther’s people. So he made the decree to have them all killed. But after Esther courageously told the king of this plot, they made another decree saying that the Jews could defend themselves. When God’s people heard this, you can bet…

  • Faith - Inspiration - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    For Such a Time as This (Part 1)

    The story of Esther is a beautiful one. There are so many things that we can learn from each character and so much that the story teaches us. God is never mentioned in this short book but He is most definitely within this story. There is one point in particular that stands out in this story to me. And that is how God placed every person and every circumstance in the exact place it was supposed to be to make this develop. But what is amazing is that God used each person in this story yet they acted in their…

  • Faith - Health - Inspiration - Simple Living - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    What Being Pregnant Has Taught Me So Far

    At the time I am writing this I am just over thirty three weeks pregnant with our first baby. I can’t believe we will be meeting our precious child in just a few short months or less. To be honest, this pregnancy has really flown by for me. It seems like just yesterday we found out that I was expecting. But we are in the home stretch now. And I have been busy getting things ready for our new little family member to arrive. Even though these past months have been filled with joy and wonder at the miracle of…

  • Faith - Inspiration - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    Studies and Devotionals to Strengthen Your Quiet Time

    One of my favorite times is when I’m able to have my quiet time with the Lord. I love to read His Word and study it out farther. God gave us His Word so that we can continue to learn, study, and grow. And that is why my quiet time with His is so important. Without studying and learning new promises, laws, and commands, I will not get to know my God better. But studying His Word daily helps me to grow more in my special relationship with Him. I love to look up videos, listen to podcasts, and read…

  • Faith - Inspiration - Womanhood

    Being Grateful in the Unexpected

    This year has been difficult for many. And I know that fear and worry have clouded most of our minds. With all that has been going on in the past months, I know that it may be hard to be thankful. It may be hard to find joy when there is so much trouble around us. But we must be grateful, even in the unexpected. First Thessalonians 5:18 tells us, “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” In all circumstances, give thanks. Even in the unexpected, stressful, and fearful circumstances…

  • Faith - Inspiration - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    Who Are You Supposed to Be as God’s Daughter?

    She didn’t know her worth. Her life wasn’t the best. All she knew was lies, hatred, and pain. Nobody would be around her. To her, she was a nobody that nobody loved. But to One, she was so much more. At the well, she met a man unlike any other. He knew her, from her secrets to her worries. Everything that people hated her for didn’t bother Him. He told her of a love so great that it didn’t care what she had done in her past. This man told her what she was worth. He told her that she…

  • Faith - Inspiration - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    Learning from Great Women of Faith

    There are so many influential Christians throughout history. Their lives were great examples that we can follow. And I love to look at the lives of great women of faith who lived in years past. I want to give you a list of women from the Scriptures and from history that have impacted my life in some way. Before I give you this list I want to make one thing clear though: these women are human. They are sinners and failed many times in their lives. The only perfect example we have is the Lord. These women are great examples…