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For Such a Time as This (Part 1)

The story of Esther is a beautiful one. There are so many things that we can learn from each character and so much that the story teaches us.

God is never mentioned in this short book but He is most definitely within this story.

There is one point in particular that stands out in this story to me. And that is how God placed every person and every circumstance in the exact place it was supposed to be to make this develop.

But what is amazing is that God used each person in this story yet they acted in their own free will.

Haman plotted evil because of the pride in his heart. Mordecai did what he thought was right. And Esther had to get up the courage to tell the king of the evil being done.

Every person had to make the decision to do what was right. And unfortunately not all of them did.

But God gave courage to the ones who chose to do His will.

Let’s look into the part of the story when Esther had to go to the king, which was not the easiest thing even for the queen, and tell him about the evil Haman was doing.

When Mordecai told Esther of the decree to kill her people and that she should go to the king Esther was afraid.

Just like you or me, doing something that dangerous and uncertain was scary to Esther. She tried to make excuses and tell Mordecai she couldn’t. But he told her one thing that changed her mind:

What if you were made queen for such a time as this?

She decided she would try. And if she perished, she perished.

Before going to she the king, she prayed and fasted for three days. Esther knew that she could not do this job alone. She had to have God on her team.

When the day came, I’m sure she was still afraid. But God gave her the courage to go in and talk to the king.

And after Esther told the king of Haman’s plans, a new decree was made for the Jews, Esther’s people, to fight back.

We will look more into that part of the story in the next blog post and see how all of God’s plans worked out in the perfect timing.

But when you don’t think you can do what you know is right, or when you can’t find the courage you need, remember Esther. She was the same as you. But the Lord gave her the courage she needed to change history. And He will do that for you too.

In His amazing love,

Hannah Marie

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