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5 Ways to Grow Your Relationship with the Lord in Motherhood

The season of motherhood is a full one. I’m only two years in but I’m already learning that there are many ups and downs. Just one hour could be filled with so many tears and so many giggles.

It is definitely a tiring season. And there are many days that I just want to do the bare minimum. And to be honest, for a long time, the thought of incorporating reading my Bible into my daily schedule kind of scared me. I was already so busy with housework, my work, and  keeping little humans alive. The thought of having a quiet time didn’t seem too important.

But let me just tell you, you cannot survive motherhood without a strong relationship with the Lord.

He is the one who will grant you patience, grace, and rest in this season. With Him you will be able to get through anything and also realize what amazing little blessings your children truly are.

I wish I could say that I rise early to spend hours in my Bible or have a solid quiet time every day of the week. Unfortunately I don’t. And in this season I sometimes don’t have the opportunity to pull out my Bible and read it every day. 

But there are some things that I have incorporated into my everyday life to grow my relationship with the Lord even in this tiring season of raising littles. 

1. Listen to an audio Bible.

I try to get in the Word every day. And on most every day I will turn on my audio Bible while I’m doing my responsibilities or playing on the floor with the boys because they are needing my attention a bit extra that day. My favorite audio Bible to listen to is Streetlights. Definitely check them out!

2. Make time to read your Bible during the week.

There is at least one day a week that I will make time to physically get in the Word. I will try to do more or whenever I have a free moment I turn to my Bible instead of Instagram, TV, or anything else.

3. Be studying two different books of the Bible.

If you are listening to an audio Bible and trying to physically get in the Word, then study two different books of the Bible. You can be listening to one (or more) throughout the week and be studying another book whenever you go to pull out your Bible. For me this makes it a lot easier to keep track of what I’m studying.

4. Study with other mamas.

This is a great way to keep you accountable. And it will help you grow in this season of motherhood along with other women in your same lifestyle or something similar. Whether it’s a good sized group or just one mom, try to find your people to grow and study alongside.

5. Fill your kids’ day with the Word.

There are some great resources that you can fill your little ones’ day with instead of random television shows, music, and more. Below are some of my favorites that I like to incorporate into our week and they also help me focus on the Lord!


Listener Kids

Remember and Proclaim Album

100 Bible Stories & Songs

Motherhood is for sure an extremely hard season. And you cannot get through it without the Lord.

So if you’re in a similar season of life or if you’re feeling lost in motherhood try incorporating some of the tips from above. But also give yourself grace. Every season will look different and I don’t believe the Lord is going to be mad at you for going a few days without picking up your Bible if your heart is right. His mercies are new every day.

In His amazing love,

Hannah Marie

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