• Inspiration - Motherhood - Uncategorized

    How to Care for Yourself in the Early Stages of Motherhood

    You’re postpartum and in the thick of learning how to be a mom. You may be knee high in dirty diapers, laundry, to-do, you name it. There is a baby that always needs your attention. Or if this isn’t your first child, maybe a toddler or two also constantly at your feet. Being a mother is so beautiful, so fulfilling, and so God-honoring. And those early years are some of the most precious. You are shaping your little one’s childhood and teaching them to live faithfully in this world. The early stages of motherhood are beautiful but are also hard.…

  • Faith - Inspiration - Motherhood - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    5 Ways to Grow Your Relationship with the Lord in Motherhood

    The season of motherhood is a full one. I’m only two years in but I’m already learning that there are many ups and downs. Just one hour could be filled with so many tears and so many giggles. It is definitely a tiring season. And there are many days that I just want to do the bare minimum. And to be honest, for a long time, the thought of incorporating reading my Bible into my daily schedule kind of scared me. I was already so busy with housework, my work, and  keeping little humans alive. The thought of having a…

  • Faith - Motherhood - Uncategorized

    Verses to Pray Over Your Children

    Children are a gift from the Lord. And as parents we are responsible for their upbringing both physically and spiritually.  Our children are a blessing to us but they are ultimately His. The Lord has given us the responsibility of them but we must work on giving them back to Him.  One way we can care for our children is by praying for them and over them.  Praying for their futures, their health, their walk with the Lord, their character, and anything else is just so important no matter how old your children are.  And praying scripture over your children…

  • Faith - Health - Inspiration - Motherhood - Uncategorized

    How to Find True Rest in Your Busy Season

    Right now I am knee deep in dirty diapers, laundry, dishes that need to be washed, and every other never-ending responsibility that comes with motherhood.  I do love this season and wouldn’t change it for anything in the world. But sometimes I just want to rest.  A while ago I just wanted to find the answer on how to find true rest in this tiring season of life. And this is what I came up with—true rest doesn’t come from taking a nap or having “me time.” It comes from allowing my mind and heart to receive the Father’s rest. …

  • Faith - Inspiration - Motherhood - Uncategorized

    What God Taught Me During My Second Pregnancy

    It took me a while to get this post written. Not because I was afraid to share what the Lord taught me through the nine months of carrying our second son. But because I didn’t know how to put all that He taught me and how He grew me during that time into just one post. So I decided to put it into one topic or phrase.  He is faithful.  God is faithful through it all. He was faithful at the beginning of my pregnancy. He was faithful through the trials and difficulties of carrying my baby. And He was…