The past month over on my Instagram there has been a movement happening. Thousands of women in this generation are feeing a pull from the Lord to get their home in order for His kingdom.
Have you been feeling this too? Have you been hearing God calling you to come to Him and restore what’s under your roof?
If you are one of these women rising up in this generation and wanting to get your home in order for the Lord the best thing that you can do is this–pray!
We need prayer warriors right now. This world needs people to stand up and fight in the secret. Your family needs prayer, your community needs prayer, your friends need prayer, and even the strangers you pass in the store need prayer.
God is looking for prayer warriors for His kingdom. And what is so beautiful is that God likes to start His works in the home.
So why not you? You have family, friends, and anything else the Lord lays on your heart to pray for. It’s time to go into your secret place and go to war.
In Matthew 6:6 Jesus says “But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.“
Praying doesn’t have to be an outward display. When God lays someone on your heart to pray for or you are going through hard circumstances, just go straight to God. He is in the secret and you can meet Him there.
But what does it look like to be a prayer warrior in this generation?
It means stopping all to pray. And that is so hard for us to do. This generation is always on the go and has to have constant noise around them. We are use to having the tv on or a podcast going in the background. We are multitasking and jugging everything at once. And yes, that’s life.
But if we are going to be prayer warriors for our families we need to find time to put our life in God’s hands for a while and sit quietly with Him.
Just like Mary sat at the Lord’s feet and listened as He spoke, we need to do the same thing. We need make time to sit at our Lord’s feet, listen, and pour our requests out to Him.
I know life is busy. You may be working two jobs or have three little ones running around you all day. But I want to encourage you to make time even one or two days out of your week to go into your secret place and go to battle.
And if you don’t know how to pray or what to even start praying for, here are some suggestions to get you started.
- Grab your anointing oil and anoint your front door posts. Pray Psalm 91 over your home and family.
- Prayer walk your home and pray God’s protection and Spirit over each room.
- Go to your husband’s side of the bed and pray for his wisdom, any chains to be broken, his faith to be strengthened, and blessings over him.
- Find your secret place (your closet, laundry room, bathroom, etc.) and tape verses and prayers to a place you will see them and be able to meditate on.
- Set alarms on your phone to take a break (or breaks) throughout your day to pray.
- Pray for your husband and kids before going to sleep.
- If you need to rock or lay with your littles to get them to sleep, use that time to pray over them and their lives.
- Read through the fruits of the Spirit and pray them over each of your family members.
- Pray what love is in 1 Corinthians 13 over your husband, yourself, and your marriage.
- Ask the Lord to show you what your husband, family, friends, community, and generation needs prayer for. He will show you.
- Pray with authority. God gives us authority by the Holy Spirit and our Savior is interceding for us on our behalf. Know the power you have as a child of God.
Are you ready to become a prayer warrior for this generation?
Please don’t wait. Go to your secret place. Walk your home with authority. Anoint your home. Welcome the Holy Spirit. And be the prayer warrior God is calling you to be.