It’s almost the new year and this is the time people think about setting goals. I know that not everyone does this. But it is a popular thing to do at the turn of the year. And I want to give you some help and maybe a little bit of conviction when you are thinking about the goals you are setting for the new year. If you are a daughter of God your goals should reflect holiness and how you can be actively walking in His ways. And if we are being honest many of the goals we tend to…
It’s the beginning of a new year and so many of us are setting goals and resolutions. We begin pouring so much of our time into healthy habits, exercising, money goals, and self-help improvement. Which all of those are great. Don’t get me wrong! But if you are reading this and you’re a mother I want to encourage you to set some goals that will help you in your motherhood journey this year. Motherhood is a job that is so incredibly important to God. He has given us, as mothers, a huge responsibility to shepherd our childrens’ hearts and continually…