The past month over on my Instagram there has been a movement happening. Thousands of women in this generation are feeing a pull from the Lord to get their home in order for His kingdom. Have you been feeling this too? Have you been hearing God calling you to come to Him and restore what’s under your roof? If you are one of these women rising up in this generation and wanting to get your home in order for the Lord the best thing that you can do is this–pray! We need prayer warriors right now. This world needs people…
Hanukkah, or the Feast of Lights, is a reflection of our Savior. As He walked on this earth, He healed the sick, forgave the sinners, and taught on His Father’s commands. He was and still is the Light to the world. The Feast of Lights is a beautiful reflection of this. It is a remembrance that Yeshua (Jesus) is our Light. Although this feast is not a required one, it is still a great time to reflect on our Savior. And I want to look at how this feast can grow our own faith. We are called to be lights…