We’ve all been there, feeling the frustration of taking care of our homes. If you’ve been a homemaker and mother for any amount of time you have more than like experienced this. It’s easy to fall into anger, exhaustion, and complaining when you are always cleaning, preparing, and homemaking over and over again. It feels like it never stops and that gets frustrating. But I want to encourage you in your homemaking and tell you that you don’t have to live with this mindset. Homemaking doesn’t have to be frustrating. We are serving our families which is a beautiful thing.…
The past month over on my Instagram there has been a movement happening. Thousands of women in this generation are feeing a pull from the Lord to get their home in order for His kingdom. Have you been feeling this too? Have you been hearing God calling you to come to Him and restore what’s under your roof? If you are one of these women rising up in this generation and wanting to get your home in order for the Lord the best thing that you can do is this–pray! We need prayer warriors right now. This world needs people…