• Faith - Inspiration - Motherhood - Uncategorized

    Why You Need Wisdom for the Mundane in Motherhood

    Wisdom comes up over and over again in God’s Word. If you need to know how to get wisdom just open up Proverbs. That one book alone is packed with answers. We all need wisdom from the Lord, no matter what season of life you are in. But there is something about the mundane days of motherhood that requires wisdom. As mothers we do the same tasks each day, tend to cries, clean up messes, mop spills off the floor, feed little mouths what feels like non-stop, clean up more messes, and stay up late with little ones who can’t…

  • Faith - Inspiration - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    3 Things We Can Learn from the Life of Esther

    Queen Esther is such an amazing character to look at. And as women of God we can learn so much from this woman of God. Esther was bold and strong. She changed the history for God’s people. There are so many character traits of Esther’s that stand out in her story. But we are going to look at just three today. 1) Esther was inwardly beautiful and won the favor of all she met. Chapter 2 of the book of Esther tells us of Esther’s journey to becoming the queen. She was taken away from all she knew and placed…

  • Faith - Inspiration - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    Who Are You Supposed to Be as God’s Daughter?

    She didn’t know her worth. Her life wasn’t the best. All she knew was lies, hatred, and pain. Nobody would be around her. To her, she was a nobody that nobody loved. But to One, she was so much more. At the well, she met a man unlike any other. He knew her, from her secrets to her worries. Everything that people hated her for didn’t bother Him. He told her of a love so great that it didn’t care what she had done in her past. This man told her what she was worth. He told her that she…