• Faith - Inspiration

    Being Kingdom Focused in a Self Focused World

    If you take a look at our world today, our culture is just very self-focused. And unfortunately most of our thoughts are driven from that self-focused and self-taught culture. It’s just because we live in that mindset and because that is the majority of what we consume. When we are consuming things of this world, we will become like the world. Consuming self-focused advice, things from Hollywood, releases from our culture, and so on will just lead to those things dictating our thoughts. But we are called to consume heavenly things and dwell on things that are pure. That is…

  • Faith - Home - Inspiration - Motherhood

    The Fruits of the Spirit and Motherhood

    I love how the Father in heaven enables us as mothers, through His spirit, to love our children how He loves us.  Think about it, the Bible tells us the attributes of Yahweh: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.“ (Galatians‬ ‭5‬:‭22‬-‭23‬) All of these are things that we as mothers should possess and practice towards our children, and because we have His living spirit inside of us, we are able to speak and act in such a way. Through Him living inside of…

  • Faith - Home - Prayer

    How to Anoint Your Home and Why You Should

    About two years ago I grabbed a bottle of an essential oil and anointed our home for the first time. We had just moved into our apartment and a lot of bad circumstances started happening. We had a flea infestation from the previous tenants, our son started having night terrors every hour, and I found tarot card printables and a list for healing crystals from the people who lived in the apartment before us.  I didn’t know what to do. We thought we had made a terrible mistake by moving. Then I remembered seeing someone on Instagram talk about anointing…

  • Faith - Home

    7 Ways to Bring Heaven Into Your Home

    I love being a homemaker. There is so much fulfillment in caring for your home and family. But I’m not going to say it’s an easy job either. There is a lot of work that goes into caring for your home. One thing I love about having a home is that I get to make it a piece of heaven. I want anyone who comes into my house to feel like this is the closest to heaven that they will get on earth, so to speak. I try to set a peaceful environment, keep God in the center, and welcome…

  • Faith - Home - Prayer

    Scriptures to Pray Through Every Moment of the Day

    We are told to pray without ceasing. But for many, they don’t really know what that means. As God’s children we are supposed to have a relationship with Him. That means we need to talk to Him like He is our best friend, ask His advice like a father, speak to Him like He is our Bridegroom, and come to Him when we are lost and afraid.  Praying may seem daunting or even difficult when we don’t know how to have a true relationship with the Lord. It takes practice, like any good relationship. So don’t give up. If you…

  • Faith - Home - Inspiration - Motherhood - Uncategorized

    Goals for Every Mother to Set This Year

    It’s the beginning of a new year and so many of us are setting goals and resolutions. We begin pouring so much of our time into healthy habits, exercising, money goals, and self-help improvement. Which all of those are great. Don’t get me wrong! But if you are reading this and you’re a mother I want to encourage you to set some goals that will help you in your motherhood journey this year. Motherhood is a job that is so incredibly important to God. He has given us, as mothers, a huge responsibility to shepherd our childrens’ hearts and continually…

  • Faith - Motherhood - Uncategorized

    Filling Your Sabbath Days With Peace During Early Motherhood

    If you’re a mother of little ones you may know that it’s really hard to find peace during the week. There’s always another diaper to change, mess to clean, and mouth to feed. And those needs don’t stop on Shabbat. So how are you supposed to find rest and peace on your Sabbath? Right now I am in the thick of early motherhood. I have two boys who are two and under. And if I’m being honest, rest is rarely found these days. But I still want to honor the Lord and His Sabbath even in this season.  And I…