In today’s culture, men are looked upon as weak beings. They are strongly viewed in a negative light. And while most men in today’s world are not the masculine Prince Charming that all of us girls look for, there are some men that still live up to this standard. These men stand for what’s right, treat women with respect, and follow God’s ways. They try their best to live a life of biblical manhood. I have written on the blog before about biblical womanhood and living out your femininity in a God-honoring way. But in this post I want to…
The season of singleness can be tough. Many girls want romance and a relationship. So when you are entitled as single, it can be very difficult. But God gives us the seasons of singleness for our good. This is a time that we can use to better ourselves and serve those around us. We don’t have to sit in misery waiting for the right guy to come along. The season of singleness can be used to help us in so many ways. If you are currently in a season of singleness, I want to encourage you during this time. Here…
I don’t know about you, but I have a hard time at being slow to anger. Patience doesn’t come easy to me. And when someone does something that upsets me, I have a difficult time not getting angry. But what I’ve had to learn over time is that learning to be slow to anger is so important in my walk as a believer. What kind of testimony would I portray if I got raging mad when someone did something I didn’t like? And what kind of light would I shine when I can’t control my own temper? Acting upon anger…
We all have experienced fear. And how the world is right now, fear can be an emotion that most of us are feeling daily. As we live in this dark, sinful world we have witnessed and will continue to witness many things that have made us fear. And it’s very easy to become anxious when there is so much to be anxious about. But the Lord has commanded us not to fear! “Do not fear” is mentioned many times throughout the Scriptures. And it is something that we should take notice of, especially during these days. There are so many…
We all want to be satisfied. Each of us longs to feel fulfilled in some way. Whether you look for your fulfillment in social media or in your current relationship, you long to find satisfaction in someone or something. Last week I wrote a blog post where I asked “Where is your satisfaction found?” If you haven’t read that post yet, I would encourage you to do that right now then return to this blog post and continue on. When you understand where to find you satisfaction, you can live a better, fuller life. If you place your fulfillment and…
At the beginning of last year, I decided to go on a music fast for the whole month of January. “What is a music fast?” you may be wondering. Well, for me, I decided to only listen to Christian/worship music for one month. I chose to turn on music that was uplifting to the Lord instead of any other kind of music. Is all music bad? No. There are some great songs out there that does not speak of the Lord. But for the month of January I intentionally chose to play Christian music instead of anything else. So why…
Reading has always been a passion of mine since I was little. And still today, reading is one of my favorite things to do. There is so much to gain by reading. Many books hold great truth and wisdom. You can learn so many new things just by reading a couple of pages. Christian books are my favorite books to read because they help to grow my faith. Whether it’s a biography or a type of information book, faith-filled books are great to add to your daily life. They tell you of other believers’ journeys and help you dig deeper…