what is biblical masculinity
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Understanding Biblical Manhood as a Woman

In today’s culture, men are looked upon as weak beings. They are strongly viewed in a negative light.

And while most men in today’s world are not the masculine Prince Charming that all of us girls look for, there are some men that still live up to this standard.

These men stand for what’s right, treat women with respect, and follow God’s ways. They try their best to live a life of biblical manhood.

I have written on the blog before about biblical womanhood and living out your femininity in a God-honoring way. But in this post I want to talk about biblical manhood and how we, as women, can understand it better so we can encourage our brothers in the Lord.

First of all, what is biblical manhood?

Biblical manhood means that the man is the protector, provider, and leader.

Even if a man does not have his own family yet, these traits will still be prominent in him because this is what he was designed to do.

To understand biblical manhood, you must first understand the design that God intended.

In the book of Genesis, we are told that God created Adam before Eve and placed him in the garden. God told Adam to “work it and keep it” (Gen. 2:15). And God gave Adam the job of naming all of the animals (Gen. 2:19). This showed that God instilled in man early on that he was to work and provide before he even had a woman and family to tend to.

Also, man was told to leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife (Gen. 2:24). This shows that boys were not supposed to stay boys. They are supposed to grow into strong men who care, protect, provide, and lead their wives.

In today’s culture, men are not the protectors and providers for their homes and families. They do not lead who they are responsible for in the way they should.

So how can we, as women, encourage them to do so? Here are just a few ways:

  • Speak truth to him.
  • Encourage his leadership.
  • Be thankful when he shows gentlemanly qualities.

Biblical masculinity means that the man takes responsibility to provide, guide, and protect any woman in his life.

It is more than being strong or kind like Prince Charming. Biblical manhood is naturally how men are designed with those qualities and character traits. It is in the core of who they are.

Today’s culture may say otherwise. And godly men may be hard to find. But they do still exist. There are those who hold true to what the Lord says and strive to live by His ways. Those men are the real Prince Charmings of today’s world.

In His amazing love,

Hannah Marie

What is your view of biblical manhood? How can you, as a woman, encourage the men in your life to live according to biblical masculinity?

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