Hanukkah, or the Feast of Lights, is a reflection of our Savior. As He walked on this earth, He healed the sick, forgave the sinners, and taught on His Father’s commands. He was and still is the Light to the world. The Feast of Lights is a beautiful reflection of this. It is a remembrance that Yeshua (Jesus) is our Light. Although this feast is not a required one, it is still a great time to reflect on our Savior. And I want to look at how this feast can grow our own faith. We are called to be lights…
As a young girl you probably watched or read the fairytale stories of how the prince charming sacrificed all to save the lovely princess. These stories that were planted in our minds as young girls stay with us today. We are still wondering if a fairytale romance actually exists. The story of the princess and her prince charming is just that—a story. A fairytale romance between a boy and a girl does not perfectly exists. I know that there are some couples who come very close. But they are still not perfect. But there is a fairytale romance that does…
You read in the Scriptures about great men that followed God and His Word. And you hear stories about amazing men of history who lived boldly for the Lord. But do godly guys still exist today? In today’s culture hate, violence, and sin seem to overtake every guy. And we live in a world where femininity and masculinity have been forgotten. So is there any hope for men in today’s culture? The answer is yes! There are great, godly guys still living today. They stand up for God’s Word and follow His ways. These men live as a light for…
I think everyone goes through a season of loneliness at some point in their life. Every girl will experience the loneliness of being single. And as a Christian, you may experience a time when it feels as if you are the only one on earth living for the Lord. Whatever the lonely season is that you may be in, know that it is only that—a season. But loneliness actually doesn’t exist if you are a believer in the living God. There are so many verses that tell us that we are not alone. No matter when or where we feel…
Everyone has a talent. Whether it’s playing an instrument, building certain things, or being great at cooking, everyone has something they’re good at. God designed each of us with different likes and dislikes. This is what makes us unique. Because of our outlooks on different things, we are usually good at different things. This is what makes unity among us. When we are good at different things, we can use those talents to help others. You may choose to use your talent for your profession. While others may chose to use their talents for hobbies or something they may do…
The three women walked down the dusty road. They moved in silence until Naomi came to a stop. “Girls, go back to your mother’s homes,” she said. “Go back to what is familiar to you.” Soon one of Naomi’s daughters-in-law, Orpah, kissed her mother-in-law and went back to the place she knew. But the other daughter-in-law, Ruth, clung to Naomi. “But Ruth said, ‘Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my…
Her life was uprooted. She chose to leave behind the only things and place she knew. Her husband had died. And all of her hope seemed lost. But Ruth chose to do the hard thing. Ruth chose to leave her past behind and move forward. She chose to follow Naomi to a new place. Ruth chose to trust the Lord as she went into the unknown. And you know what? In the end, the Lord blessed Ruth beyond anything she could ever had imagined. Ruth’s story is told throughout the book of Ruth. And it is a beautiful story. It…