• Inspiration - Uncategorized

    3 Ways Social Media Affects Our Lives

    You look at your phone. It has a dozen notifications on the screen. The last picture you posted got more likes. It has a few comments. You pick up your phone to check it out. And you start the never ending task of scrolling through your feed. Social media has become a major part of our lives. It takes up most of our day and consumes our thoughts. Whether you are on all social platforms or just a few, you probably know what I mean. Social media affects our lives in many ways. First of all, it makes us feel…

  • Faith - Forgiveness - Inspiration - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    Becoming a Modern Day Hannah

    She kneeled down and began to pray. Tears streamed down her face as she unashamedly poured her heart out to the Lord. Hannah was an ordinary woman with ordinary struggles. But she was more than just her difficulties. She knew who her God was and how He could turn her circumstance around. Although Hannah was an ordinary woman, she had an extraordinary God. Hannah is an example to all Christian women. Here’s why: Her life was not perfect. Hannah’s story is told in 1 Samuel 1. Just from that one chapter we learn that Hannah was married to a man…

  • Faith - Inspiration - Uncategorized

    Finding Purpose in Your Everyday

    What is purpose? And how can you find it in your everyday, hectic life? As a believer, your purpose will look different than what the world will tell you it looks like. Your purpose is so much more than the job you are pursuing or the degree that you earned. It is more than your role as a mother or sister. It is not just a label that the world likes to place upon us. As believers, our purpose in this life is special. Proverbs 19:21 tells us that “Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but…

  • Faith - Forgiveness - Inspiration - Purity - Relationships - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    Sex, Purity, and the Longings of a Girl’s Heart: Book Review

    Today is the day! Sex, Purity, and the Longings of a Girl’s Heart by Kristen Clark and Bethany Beal is officially released! I had the wonderful opportunity to be on this books launch team. And what a wonderful blessing it was! As a member of the launch team, I received a copy of the book early. It was such an easy and insightful read. And I want to give you my honest review of Sex, Purity, and the Longings of a Girl’s Heart. In today’s culture, sex and purity are hot topics. Many women deal with lust and other sexual…

  • Faith - Inspiration - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    Becoming an Esther in Today’s Society

    She was torn from all she knew, made to live among the king’s harem, and now was to be the new queen. Esther was more than your average woman. She found favor in the king’s eyes. But she was more than just a beautiful woman. She knew her purpose as a daughter of God, and it showed. In today’s society, women who follow God’s purpose and role for their lives are looked upon as weak and stupid. But Esther gives us a great example of a woman who lived her life with God’s purpose and role in mind. She lived…

  • Faith - Inspiration - Uncategorized

    What to Do If God Isn’t Answering Your Prayers

    Yeshua (Jesus) told the parable of a widow who continued to come to a wicked judge asking for justice against her adversary. This judge did not fear God or respect men. But after a while of the widow’s consistent asking, the judge finally gave her what she asked for (Luke 18). Luke 18:1 tells the reason for the Lord telling this parable. It says, “He told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart.“ Sometimes when we pray, our prayers won’t get answered right away. This can lead us to losing our…

  • Faith - Inspiration - Uncategorized

    3 Ways to Study Your Bible

    Reading God’s Word and applying it to our lives is our responsibility as Christian women. The Bible is filled with great truths and practical applications that we should apply to our lives. Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.“ Making God’s Word your light as you walk through this life will be so beneficial in the long-run. But sometimes reading the Bible on a regular basis can become difficult. Picking up your Bible every day and knowing what to read can sometimes be challenging. So here are three practical and…