There is something about the power of prayer. We are given the ability to speak with authority over the enemy in our Savior’s name. And there is something so beautiful about praying over your home. You are the gatekeeper of your home (or room/space) and you have the authority over what you allow into your walls. And let me just say, the enemy is after your family. He wants to divide and send fear to anyone he can. But we are granted the ability to pray with authority in our Lord’s name. He is stronger than the enemy and everything…
If you are a wife, mother, or a single girl who has her own place, you are the gatekeeper to your home. You have a special and important job that God has placed on you to do each day. Our homes should be a sacred place. A place where our families escape the outside world. A place where we welcome people into. A place where we are called to fellowship and worship. A place where we raise the next generation, minister to others, and form a lasting legacy. That is why we need to spiritually care for our homes. It…
It took me a while to get this post written. Not because I was afraid to share what the Lord taught me through the nine months of carrying our second son. But because I didn’t know how to put all that He taught me and how He grew me during that time into just one post. So I decided to put it into one topic or phrase. He is faithful. God is faithful through it all. He was faithful at the beginning of my pregnancy. He was faithful through the trials and difficulties of carrying my baby. And He was…
If you are a busy mom, it can be so hard to find encouragement as you are doing all the mundane responsibilities throughout the day. As soon as you get one thing completed, there are ten more responsibilities calling your attention. I get it. I’m right there with you. There are days that I go without picking up my Bible. And there are weeks that pass until I realize that I have not been meditating on God’s promises and studying His Word. It can be hard to study the Bible and meditate on God’s Word when you are in a…