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    How I Shop Every Two Weeks and Save Money on Our Grocery Bill

    So I’m pretty sure we all have realized the growing cost of groceries and just living in general. Sometimes it may feel hard to keep your head above water in the economy today. I completely understand. Around a year ago I was getting tired of seeing our grocery bill each week. It was almost always going over the budget we had set which didn’t make sense to me. For the most part I cook everything from scratch. We rarely buy pre-made or packaged foods. I try to buy groceries as healthy as I can but not in excess. (We all…

  • Faith - Home - Motherhood - Uncategorized

    How to Get Yourself in Order to Serve Your Family Better

    We’ve all been there, feeling the frustration of taking care of our homes. If you’ve been a homemaker and mother for any amount of time you have more than like experienced this. It’s easy to fall into anger, exhaustion, and complaining when you are always cleaning, preparing, and homemaking over and over again. It feels like it never stops and that gets frustrating. But I want to encourage you in your homemaking and tell you that you don’t have to live with this mindset. Homemaking doesn’t have to be frustrating. We are serving our families which is a beautiful thing.…

  • Faith - Home - Inspiration - Uncategorized

    Setting Goals that Align with God’s Word

    It’s almost the new year and this is the time people think about setting goals. I know that not everyone does this. But it is a popular thing to do at the turn of the year. And I want to give you some help and maybe a little bit of conviction when you are thinking about the goals you are setting for the new year. If you are a daughter of God your goals should reflect holiness and how you can be actively walking in His ways. And if we are being honest many of the goals we tend to…

  • Faith - Home - Inspiration - Uncategorized

    How to Get Your Home In Order

    When you become a wife your prioritizes should change from what they once were. And when you become a mom they change again. Then when you have another child and another child and so on, again your prioritizes will need to change so that you can get everything in order. That is life. You must continually be reworking things and reorganizing your time so that you can be the best version of yourself and get your responsibilities done in a smooth manner. I have been a wife for over four years now. It took me a while to figure out…

  • Faith - Prayer - Uncategorized

    Becoming a Prayer Warrior for This Generation

    The past month over on my Instagram there has been a movement happening. Thousands of women in this generation are feeing a pull from the Lord to get their home in order for His kingdom. Have you been feeling this too? Have you been hearing God calling you to come to Him and restore what’s under your roof? If you are one of these women rising up in this generation and wanting to get your home in order for the Lord the best thing that you can do is this–pray! We need prayer warriors right now. This world needs people…

  • Inspiration - Motherhood - Uncategorized

    How to Teach Your Children Thankfulness

    Having a heart of thankfulness is a wonderful quality to have. And we should be teaching our children to be thankful from an early age. But how can you start that? How can you teach your little ones to be thankful to others and to God? Well there are a few things that I have been doing from day one with our kids that have helped them be thankful for so much. I am only three years into motherhood so I sometimes feel like I don’t have too much wisdom to share. But the years that I have learned and…

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    Establishing a Peaceful Atmosphere in Your Home

    Our homes are where the majority of us spend most of our time. It is where we raise our little ones, where our husbands come home from their work, and where we decide what type of atmosphere we will establish. Like everything else in life we can decide to establish one of two atmospheres in our homes. We can bring in confusion, stress, and strife. Or we can welcome peace, kindness, and righteousness. Which do you think is from the Lord? 1 Corinthians 14:33 says, “For God is not a God of confusion but of peace.” Our God does not want His people to be in confusion. He doesn’t…