• Inspiration - Motherhood - Uncategorized

    How to Care for Yourself in the Early Stages of Motherhood

    You’re postpartum and in the thick of learning how to be a mom. You may be knee high in dirty diapers, laundry, to-do, you name it. There is a baby that always needs your attention. Or if this isn’t your first child, maybe a toddler or two also constantly at your feet. Being a mother is so beautiful, so fulfilling, and so God-honoring. And those early years are some of the most precious. You are shaping your little one’s childhood and teaching them to live faithfully in this world. The early stages of motherhood are beautiful but are also hard.…

  • Faith - Motherhood - Uncategorized

    Filling Your Sabbath Days With Peace During Early Motherhood

    If you’re a mother of little ones you may know that it’s really hard to find peace during the week. There’s always another diaper to change, mess to clean, and mouth to feed. And those needs don’t stop on Shabbat. So how are you supposed to find rest and peace on your Sabbath? Right now I am in the thick of early motherhood. I have two boys who are two and under. And if I’m being honest, rest is rarely found these days. But I still want to honor the Lord and His Sabbath even in this season.  And I…