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    What Scriptures to Pray While You Anoint

    There have been so many times when I just didn’t have words to pray. That is when I love to turn the Scripture so I can pray God’s Word back to Him. And I love praying Scripture any time I am anointing my home or family. If you’re lost on what to say, where to even begin with anointing, or what verses are best for praying over your home I completely understand. I was in the same place a little over two years ago. But I want to encourage you to just start. Grab some oil (olive oil out of…

  • Faith - Inspiration - Prayer - Uncategorized

    What to Pray When You Don’t Know What to Say

    There have been times when I just didn’t know what to pray. Some times things were just so rough around me and life seemed to keep throwing arrows my way. Other times I just don’t know what to pray. It’s not that I’m confused or struggling. I just don’t have words. This is often when my faith life and relationship with the Lord seems to be in a dry season. Honestly these times can be very hard places to be. I, at least, end up feeling guilty. Deep down I try hard but I feel like I am failing as…

  • Faith - Prayer - Uncategorized

    Becoming a Prayer Warrior for This Generation

    The past month over on my Instagram there has been a movement happening. Thousands of women in this generation are feeing a pull from the Lord to get their home in order for His kingdom. Have you been feeling this too? Have you been hearing God calling you to come to Him and restore what’s under your roof? If you are one of these women rising up in this generation and wanting to get your home in order for the Lord the best thing that you can do is this–pray! We need prayer warriors right now. This world needs people…

  • Faith - Motherhood - Simple Living - Uncategorized

    Ways to Set Yourself up for a Spirit Led Day

    Mornings can either be good or bad. And depending on what season of life you’re in, what time you begin your day may differ. Right now in the current season I am in with two little boys it is very hard to set a routine. With different sleep schedules, unexpected moments, and the way toddlers view time a strict morning routine has not been possible. So in this post I want to speak to mamas of littles who may not have the ability to have a designated quiet time in the morning, who can’t wake up before her kids, or…

  • Faith - Inspiration - Motherhood - Uncategorized

    Why You Need Wisdom for the Mundane in Motherhood

    Wisdom comes up over and over again in God’s Word. If you need to know how to get wisdom just open up Proverbs. That one book alone is packed with answers. We all need wisdom from the Lord, no matter what season of life you are in. But there is something about the mundane days of motherhood that requires wisdom. As mothers we do the same tasks each day, tend to cries, clean up messes, mop spills off the floor, feed little mouths what feels like non-stop, clean up more messes, and stay up late with little ones who can’t…

  • Faith - Motherhood - Uncategorized

    Verses to Pray Over Your Children

    Children are a gift from the Lord. And as parents we are responsible for their upbringing both physically and spiritually.  Our children are a blessing to us but they are ultimately His. The Lord has given us the responsibility of them but we must work on giving them back to Him.  One way we can care for our children is by praying for them and over them.  Praying for their futures, their health, their walk with the Lord, their character, and anything else is just so important no matter how old your children are.  And praying scripture over your children…

  • Faith - Inspiration - Motherhood - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    Learning to Become a Woman of Prayer

    Prayer is so powerful. It is such an amazing gift that our Heavenly Father has given to us and that He wants us to use to communicate with Him. But there is so much more to prayer than just communicating with God. Prayer holds power. It has the ability to change outcomes and transform lives. And as a daughter of God I believe it is your responsibility to learn to become a woman of prayer. If you’re like me you probably were never taught to prayer besides praying kind of on the shallow end. You were never taught to go…