• Faith - Motherhood - Simple Living - Uncategorized

    Ways to Set Yourself up for a Spirit Led Day

    Mornings can either be good or bad. And depending on what season of life you’re in, what time you begin your day may differ. Right now in the current season I am in with two little boys it is very hard to set a routine. With different sleep schedules, unexpected moments, and the way toddlers view time a strict morning routine has not been possible. So in this post I want to speak to mamas of littles who may not have the ability to have a designated quiet time in the morning, who can’t wake up before her kids, or…

  • Faith - Health - Home - Inspiration - Natural Living - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    How to Bring Your Faith Into Your Birth

    You can read all the books, take all the classes, and watch all the videos. But you’ll never be prepared to give birth if this is your first time.  Right now I am pregnant with our second. And during my first pregnancy I did all those things. I knew everything that had to do with the physical aspect of giving birth. All of that is so good to know and I’m definitely not telling you to not do your research in those areas! But what I believe is more important than knowing about the physical side to birth is knowing…