• Faith - Health - Inspiration - Simple Living - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    What Being Pregnant Has Taught Me So Far

    At the time I am writing this I am just over thirty three weeks pregnant with our first baby. I can’t believe we will be meeting our precious child in just a few short months or less. To be honest, this pregnancy has really flown by for me. It seems like just yesterday we found out that I was expecting. But we are in the home stretch now. And I have been busy getting things ready for our new little family member to arrive. Even though these past months have been filled with joy and wonder at the miracle of…

  • Faith - Inspiration - Uncategorized

    How to Let Go of the Control of Your Own Life

    It can feel so good to have control over your life. To know what’s going to happen and sticking to a certain plan. To be able to make all the decisions and know what is going to happen in the day to day. Being in control of your own life certainly sounds good. Especially if you are a perfectionist like me, controlling your life may put you at ease and help you not stress about what’s going to happen. Your life would be a breeze. But in reality, trying to control your own life just puts more stress on you.…

  • Faith - Inspiration - Uncategorized

    Letting God Have Control of Your Life

    It is sometimes easy to have the mindset of letting God take the wheel of your life. Sometimes it can be easy to let God take the pen and write out your story. Letting God have control of your life can sometimes be very easy for us to accept. But other times it can be very difficult. Times when we are uncertain about life or when things are falling apart around us it can be so hard to let God take complete control of our lives. We want to hold on to the familiar, allowing only what we want in.…

  • Faith - Inspiration - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    Learning from Great Women of Faith

    There are so many influential Christians throughout history. Their lives were great examples that we can follow. And I love to look at the lives of great women of faith who lived in years past. I want to give you a list of women from the Scriptures and from history that have impacted my life in some way. Before I give you this list I want to make one thing clear though: these women are human. They are sinners and failed many times in their lives. The only perfect example we have is the Lord. These women are great examples…

  • Faith - Inspiration - Uncategorized

    Overcoming Fear During a Fearful Time

    We all have experienced fear. And how the world is right now, fear can be an emotion that most of us are feeling daily. As we live in this dark, sinful world we have witnessed and will continue to witness many things that have made us fear. And it’s very easy to become anxious when there is so much to be anxious about. But the Lord has commanded us not to fear! “Do not fear” is mentioned many times throughout the Scriptures. And it is something that we should take notice of, especially during these days. There are so many…

  • Faith - Inspiration - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    Clinging to God When Hope Can’t Be Found

    The three women walked down the dusty road. They moved in silence until Naomi came to a stop. “Girls, go back to your mother’s homes,” she said. “Go back to what is familiar to you.” Soon one of Naomi’s daughters-in-law, Orpah, kissed her mother-in-law and went back to the place she knew. But the other daughter-in-law, Ruth, clung to Naomi. “But Ruth said, ‘Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my…