Queen Esther is such an amazing character to look at. And as women of God we can learn so much from this woman of God. Esther was bold and strong. She changed the history for God’s people. There are so many character traits of Esther’s that stand out in her story. But we are going to look at just three today. 1) Esther was inwardly beautiful and won the favor of all she met. Chapter 2 of the book of Esther tells us of Esther’s journey to becoming the queen. She was taken away from all she knew and placed…
The story of Esther is a beautiful one. And in the last post we looked at her courage to do what was right and change the outcome for her people. In this post we will look at how God’s people, because of Esther’s courage, reacts to this new decree. Haman was such a prideful man and hated the Jews, Esther’s people. So he made the decree to have them all killed. But after Esther courageously told the king of this plot, they made another decree saying that the Jews could defend themselves. When God’s people heard this, you can bet…
The story of Esther is a beautiful one. There are so many things that we can learn from each character and so much that the story teaches us. God is never mentioned in this short book but He is most definitely within this story. There is one point in particular that stands out in this story to me. And that is how God placed every person and every circumstance in the exact place it was supposed to be to make this develop. But what is amazing is that God used each person in this story yet they acted in their…
At the time I am writing this I am just over thirty three weeks pregnant with our first baby. I can’t believe we will be meeting our precious child in just a few short months or less. To be honest, this pregnancy has really flown by for me. It seems like just yesterday we found out that I was expecting. But we are in the home stretch now. And I have been busy getting things ready for our new little family member to arrive. Even though these past months have been filled with joy and wonder at the miracle of…
It can feel so good to have control over your life. To know what’s going to happen and sticking to a certain plan. To be able to make all the decisions and know what is going to happen in the day to day. Being in control of your own life certainly sounds good. Especially if you are a perfectionist like me, controlling your life may put you at ease and help you not stress about what’s going to happen. Your life would be a breeze. But in reality, trying to control your own life just puts more stress on you.…
One of my favorite times is when I’m able to have my quiet time with the Lord. I love to read His Word and study it out farther. God gave us His Word so that we can continue to learn, study, and grow. And that is why my quiet time with His is so important. Without studying and learning new promises, laws, and commands, I will not get to know my God better. But studying His Word daily helps me to grow more in my special relationship with Him. I love to look up videos, listen to podcasts, and read…
There are so many voices in today’s world. So many different opinions and choices. It can cloud our thinking and pressure us into things that we may not normally do. I have been in this place many times. And it is always hard for me to hear God’s voice above everyone else’s. I want to follow Him and do His will, but it can be difficult sometimes. It’s so hard to discern God’s voice when there are so many other voices clouding our thinking. So during times like these, I have tried to block out all the voices and listen…