listening to God's voice in your life
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How to Discern God’s Voice Over Others

There are so many voices in today’s world. So many different opinions and choices. It can cloud our thinking and pressure us into things that we may not normally do.

I have been in this place many times. And it is always hard for me to hear God’s voice above everyone else’s.

I want to follow Him and do His will, but it can be difficult sometimes. It’s so hard to discern God’s voice when there are so many other voices clouding our thinking.

So during times like these, I have tried to block out all the voices and listen to the only voice who really matters.

But I know that this can be difficult. You may be walking through a similar circumstance right now. Maybe you have a decision to make and there are so many opinions coming at you. You may not be able to distinguish what God is trying to tell you above all the noise.

When I have been in circumstances like this, I have practice these following things. They have always helped me know what the Lord was trying to tell me and helped me make the decision that I need.

Don’t stop praying.

If you are going to hear God’s voice above everyone else’s, you need to be in constant communication with Him. Ask Him to reveal His will for you. Pray for help with this decision. And ask for His will to be done.

Stay in the Word.

There have been many times that God has revealed His will for me just from me opening up His Word. The Bible is full of so many lessons, stories, and commands. And every time I read it, my eyes are opened to something new.

If you get in God’s Word, He may reveal the answer you need. If not, you are still listening to the only voice that matters.

Listen to others but don’t necessarily base your decision off of what they say.

There are people who are wiser than us, are more familiar with something, or have seen things that may help you deciding what to do. Listen to them. If there is concern in what they are saying, take that to heart. But if their opinions really aren’t valid, don’t necessarily base your final decision off of what they had to say. But don’t not listen. Because that could get you into trouble.

Look for peace.

When I have had to discern which voice to listen to in my past, there was one easy way I could know if it was from God or not. If I felt a peace about it, I knew it was the Lord’s will.

There are many places in Scripture that tells us that the Lord will give us peace. So if something is from Him, why wouldn’t He give us peace about it?

This may not happen to everyone or in every circumstance. But this was one major factor for me.

God’s voice can be discerned over others if we listen close enough.

I hope the above ways will help you when you have to make a decision or if you need to discern who’s voice to listen to. They are just a few ways that have helped me in the past. But believe me, it was a long, hard process to get to an answer sometimes. So don’t lose heart. Stay strong in your faith and listen closely to God’s voice.

In His amazing love,

Hannah Marie

What ways help you discern God’s voice over others? How did this help you make a decision when you needed to?

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