• Faith - Inspiration - Uncategorized

    How to Discern God’s Voice Over Others

    There are so many voices in today’s world. So many different opinions and choices. It can cloud our thinking and pressure us into things that we may not normally do. I have been in this place many times. And it is always hard for me to hear God’s voice above everyone else’s. I want to follow Him and do His will, but it can be difficult sometimes. It’s so hard to discern God’s voice when there are so many other voices clouding our thinking. So during times like these, I have tried to block out all the voices and listen…

  • Faith - Inspiration - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    Making Decisions with Great Faith

    Rahab was a prostitute and lived in a life of sin. But she chose to let go of her past and let God redeem her future. She made amazing decisions because she had great faith. Rahab is remembered for having great faith in God. And because of her amazing faith, she made great decisions that changed the outcome of her life. Rahab chose to leave behind her life of prostitution. She decided to follow God and His ways. And she chose to live among His chosen people. In the book of Hebrews there is a chapter about people who had…