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    Scriptures to Pray Over Your Home

    There is something about the power of prayer. We are given the ability to speak with authority over the enemy in our Savior’s name.  And there is something so beautiful about praying over your home. You are the gatekeeper of your home (or room/space) and you have the authority over what you allow into your walls.  And let me just say, the enemy is after your family. He wants to divide and send fear to anyone he can.  But we are granted the ability to pray with authority in our Lord’s name. He is stronger than the enemy and everything…

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    How to Spiritually Care for Your Home

    If you are a wife, mother, or a single girl who has her own place, you are the gatekeeper to your home. You have a special and important job that God has placed on you to do each day. Our homes should be a sacred place. A place where our families escape the outside world. A place where we welcome people into. A place where we are called to fellowship and worship. A place where we raise the next generation, minister to others, and form a lasting legacy. That is why we need to spiritually care for our homes. It…

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    5 Ways to Live a More Simple Life Today

    A little over a year ago I went on a mission to start living a more simple life. I was tired of the clutter and excess things that we somehow accumulated. And with a little baby on the way, I knew my life was soon going to be too busy to mess with extra stuff.  So I started implementing some things that helped me develop a more simple lifestyle. There is so much that you can do to simplify your life. And I don’t want to take you to the extreme of creating a capsule wardrobe, having every surface in…

  • Faith - Health - Home - Inspiration - Natural Living - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    How to Bring Your Faith Into Your Birth

    You can read all the books, take all the classes, and watch all the videos. But you’ll never be prepared to give birth if this is your first time.  Right now I am pregnant with our second. And during my first pregnancy I did all those things. I knew everything that had to do with the physical aspect of giving birth. All of that is so good to know and I’m definitely not telling you to not do your research in those areas! But what I believe is more important than knowing about the physical side to birth is knowing…

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    How I Prepare My Home for the Weekend

    When I first got married I knew that I wanted to set a solid foundation for our weekends. That is when my husband was home from work, we would often entertain guests, and it was a time of rest for us. And I wanted our weekends to be as organized and stress free as possible. Every Friday is my prep day and the day that I reset my home and heart so that my family and I can have a nice, peaceful weekend and Shabbat. Here are the things that I like to do each Friday to reset my home…

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    Hanukkah Resources for the Busy Mom

    Hanukkah is right around the corner! And there are so many traditions and activities to do during this week long feast. This is our first year actually participating in this holiday as a family (besides having a two month old last year.) So I’ve been gathering information and resources to make this holiday special for us. If you are a busy mom who wants to make this Festival of Lights something special for her family but is not too sure where to start, I’ve got you! Here are some resources, recipes, decorations, and ideas to incorporate into your Hanukkah this…

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    A Letter to the Tired Mama

    Dear tired mama, No matter how many years you’ve been doing this or how many little ones you have, the tired feeling will come. I’ve only been a mama for six months and have already seen my share of struggles, giggles, and tiredness. In the back of our minds we wish we could put it off, take a break, and make it stop. But we can’t. If we stop doing all the things, life will truly stop. There are little ones who count on you, a home that needs your care, and a hundred tasks that need to be accomplished…