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    How to Have a Kingdom Mindset in the Mundane

    Life gets tiring. Doing the same thing every single day can seem useless. I get it. Recently I fell into the mindset of feeling trapped. Cleaning the same messes, changing the same diapers, having the same responsibilities each and every day seemed like it would never end. And it won’t for a while.  This is the season I am in right now. And there is a reason for that. But what does cleaning the same messes have to do with living for the Kingdom?  It has everything to do with it! Through the mundane days and seemingly useless responsibilities I…

  • Faith - Forgiveness - Inspiration - Relationships - Uncategorized

    Dealing with Death and Grief as a Christian

    Death is a difficult thing to experience. Even as a Christian, it’s difficult. For some reason, I think we have high expectations that we aren’t supposed to mourn or cry when it comes to death because we’re Christians. But we need to remember that while death holds no power over us, it’s still a painful reminder that this is not how we were meant to live life. We were never meant to experience death but because of sin we do.  It also becomes complicated depending on the relationship you had with the deceased and the manner of their passing. For…

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    A Letter to the Tired Mama

    Dear tired mama, No matter how many years you’ve been doing this or how many little ones you have, the tired feeling will come. I’ve only been a mama for six months and have already seen my share of struggles, giggles, and tiredness. In the back of our minds we wish we could put it off, take a break, and make it stop. But we can’t. If we stop doing all the things, life will truly stop. There are little ones who count on you, a home that needs your care, and a hundred tasks that need to be accomplished…

  • Faith - Inspiration - Relationships - Uncategorized

    Finding Peace in Your Heavenly Father

    This time of year can be stressful for many. There are dozens of social gatherings to attend. You probably have a million things on your to-do list. And you can’t find a spare moment to catch up. I don’t know about you, but during these times I just crave peace. And I have seen many times that peace can truly only come from one place. “Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all.” (1 Thess. 3:16) The only way to really have peace in any season…

  • Faith - Forgiveness - Inspiration - Purity - Relationships - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    Guarding Your Purity

    As daughter’s of the Lord, we should highly treasure our purity. It is one of the most important things we can possess. Whether you’re young or old, your purity should matter to you. Purity will look different in every season of life—single, married, or in a relationship. But in each of these seasons, you should work hard at guarding your purity physically, mentally, and emotionally. Psalm 119:9 ask us, “How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your [God’s] word.” Guarding your purity should be important to you because it is important to God.…

  • Faith - Inspiration - Relationships - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    Understanding Biblical Manhood as a Woman

    In today’s culture, men are looked upon as weak beings. They are strongly viewed in a negative light. And while most men in today’s world are not the masculine Prince Charming that all of us girls look for, there are some men that still live up to this standard. These men stand for what’s right, treat women with respect, and follow God’s ways. They try their best to live a life of biblical manhood. I have written on the blog before about biblical womanhood and living out your femininity in a God-honoring way. But in this post I want to…

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    Encouragement for the Single Girl

    The season of singleness can be tough. Many girls want romance and a relationship. So when you are entitled as single, it can be very difficult. But God gives us the seasons of singleness for our good. This is a time that we can use to better ourselves and serve those around us. We don’t have to sit in misery waiting for the right guy to come along. The season of singleness can be used to help us in so many ways. If you are currently in a season of singleness, I want to encourage you during this time. Here…