how to find peace in God
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Finding Peace in Your Heavenly Father

This time of year can be stressful for many. There are dozens of social gatherings to attend. You probably have a million things on your to-do list. And you can’t find a spare moment to catch up.

I don’t know about you, but during these times I just crave peace. And I have seen many times that peace can truly only come from one place.

Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all.” (1 Thess. 3:16)

The only way to really have peace in any season of life is to receive it from the Lord.

He does not want you to worry or stress. The Lord did not design us to fret and fear. And He will allow us to receive His peace.

Finding peace in your Heavenly Father really isn’t that difficult.

I think that we, as a culture, have complicated the idea of peace. It is something that is so hard to obtain. And if someone does, we crave to be just like that person.

But we are easily able to find peace through our Heavenly Father.

Get in His Word, free yourself from the lies of the world, and be still in God’s presence. It isn’t that difficult if you put away the distractions of the world and just be in tune with the Lord.

But I was at a place before when finding peace seemed impossible. I get it. So I want to give you three ways that you can incorporate into your everyday to receive God’s peace.

1. Let go of what you can’t control.

It’s easier said than done, right? But this is probably the most important thing that you must implement if you want to find peace.

Stop worrying about the gift that you bought online for a friend and hasn’t come yet. You can’t control the post office. Stop stressing over all the things people ask you to do. You have the choice to say no. And stop fearing that you may never get married or have a family. You can try to control your future, but it truthfully never works in the long run.

2. Take time to breath.

And I don’t mean breath like you normally do throughout the day. Stop what you are doing and take three long breaths, in the nose and out the mouth. This helps me to realign my thoughts and centers me on the present.

If you want to go a step beyond that, go outside or open a window and breath in the fresh air that God created. He designed creation for us to enjoy. But instead we scroll through social media on our down times. That really doesn’t help you find peace.

3. Be thankful and prayerful.

This is so important. When you wake up in the morning, thank God for your night of rest and that He blessed you with another day. Write out a few things you are thankful for. Pray for some of the people in your life before you start your day. Be thankful for all that God has done and pray to Him before you begin your day. This will redirect the rest of your day and help you refocus on God and the peace that He gives.

You can find peace in your Heavenly Father. He has made that possible.

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

Let go of the world and be present in the Lord. Instead of turning to social media and the culture, turn to God and His ways. You can find peace in Him.

In His amazing love,

Hannah Marie

Let me know! How do you find peace in your Heavenly Father?

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