• Faith - Inspiration - Uncategorized

    Why You Should Take Time to Rest

    We live in a world that is full of go, go, go. There is no room to stop and take time to ourselves. We have to keep up with everyone else, go to all the social events, make your way in the world, and educate yourself so that you can get ahead of your peers. This society strives on a never ending cycle of striving to achieve something greater. And if we don’t achieve that standard there’s no rest until you reach it. But if you dive into God’s Word, you will discover that the Lord has something else in…

  • Faith - Forgiveness - Inspiration - Uncategorized

    3 Practical Ways to Lower Your Stress

    Stress is a real thing. Once you grow up you may be dealing with stress every day. When you were younger, you probably didn’t have the worry, fear, and stress that comes with getting older. You didn’t have the same worries to stress over when you were young and care free. But it shouldn’t be this way, even when you are older. Living in this culture, we are told what should be most important to us. And in turn, we wear ourselves out stressing over those things. You must be the head of that corporate job. Or you must become…

  • Faith - Inspiration - Relationships - Uncategorized

    Finding Peace in Your Heavenly Father

    This time of year can be stressful for many. There are dozens of social gatherings to attend. You probably have a million things on your to-do list. And you can’t find a spare moment to catch up. I don’t know about you, but during these times I just crave peace. And I have seen many times that peace can truly only come from one place. “Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all.” (1 Thess. 3:16) The only way to really have peace in any season…

  • Faith - Inspiration - Uncategorized

    Impacting the World for the Kingdom

    What is the meaning of life? It is a question that is probably asked by every person in every stage of life. Asking this question is good for a Christian’s walk of faith. But the answer is the most important. The answer is living with a kingdom mindset and impacting the world for the Kingdom. So what is the Kingdom and how can you live Kingdom minded? I’m glad you asked! The Kingdom is a place of righteousness, peace, and joy (Romans 14:17). Some may believe that the Kingdom will come after the Lord returns. But it is here now!…

  • Inspiration - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    3 Lies Women Believe About Their Femininity

    The concept of biblical womanhood is something that is forgotten in our culture today. Instead of embracing their femininity, women tend to push it aside. Biblical womanhood is viewed as old-fashioned and not necessay for women today. If a woman embraces it, she is seen as weak. But all of that is a lie. God designed women for a purpose and with their own special abilities. The lies that this world tells about femininity is not true. Embracing your femininity does not make you less of a woman. It makes you the woman God intended you to be. There are…