how to let God take away your stress
Faith - Forgiveness - Inspiration - Uncategorized

3 Practical Ways to Lower Your Stress

Stress is a real thing. Once you grow up you may be dealing with stress every day.

When you were younger, you probably didn’t have the worry, fear, and stress that comes with getting older. You didn’t have the same worries to stress over when you were young and care free. But it shouldn’t be this way, even when you are older.

Living in this culture, we are told what should be most important to us. And in turn, we wear ourselves out stressing over those things.

You must be the head of that corporate job. Or you must become your own boss. You have to be married before you’re twenty five. Or you shouldn’t need a man in your life. You should have children by now. Or you should control how your life should be in the future. You need to go to college and get the highest degree. Or you should follow the path your heart is leading you.

There are so many different opinions out there. No wonder we have so much stress going on in our minds.

And not only that, but we live in a world that is always filled with chaos and drama.

We wake up to stress and go to sleep with the stress of this world and our lives weighing down our shoulders.

Now I am not going to tell you that I am completely stress free, because that would be a total lie. And I am not going to pretend that I have this whole life thing figured out. But I know the best way to free yourself from stress:

Grow in your relationship with the Lord.

Let Him become your best friend. Open your mind to Him. And let Him fully take over your life.

These three practical ways I am going to give you to lower your stress are just that, practical. They may help you for a short while to lower some of the stress you may be having in a certain moment, but they won’t help you in the long run. These will not take away your stress and worries. Remember, only God can do that for you.

1. Find something that relaxes you.

Do you enjoy coloring or drawing? How about sewing, writing, or trying a new recipe? Find something that you enjoy and that makes you happy.

If you can place your mind on something else instead of what is stressing you out, it will help you feel more relaxed. As you color in your coloring book or whisk together a batch of chocolate, oatmeal, and peanut butter cookies, remember that there is still joy in those little things, even when everything else in life is stressing you out.

2. Don’t forget to breathe.

Yes, I know that you breathe involuntarily. But during the times when you are feeling stressed and tense, you really need to take extra time to breathe.

Take a breath through your nose and actually take the time for feel that air moving down into your lungs. Close your eyes if it helps. Then let it out through your mouth. Do this a few times to help you release some of the tension and stress when you are feeling it.

3. Pull out your Bible.

Reading from God’s Truth always helps me during the times when I am feeling stressed, worried, and depressed. There are so many verses in the Scriptures that tell you that God is in control, that He’s got this, that you are protected and cared for, and that you have no need to worry. Here are a few passages that may help you when you are feeling stressed: Phil. 4:6-7, Psa. 55:22, Matt. 11:28-30, James 1:12, Matt. 6:25-34, Josh. 1:9, Luke 10:41-42, Heb. 12:1, Exo. 14:14).

The only thing that will truly be able take away your stress is God and God alone.

Run into His arms when you are worried. Feel His protection when you are afraid. Let Him wipe away your tears when you are anxious. And allow Him to take control of your life when stress takes over your days.

In His amazing love,

Hannah Marie

What ways helps you lower your stress? Do you think God is the only one who can completely get rid of any stress and worry you may have?

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