Daniel's extraordinary life
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Living an Extraordinary Life

Guest Post by Adena Dueck

(From the Book of Daniel)

Do you ever catch yourself reading through Bible stories like David and Goliath, Daniel and the Lion’s Den, the book of Acts and think to yourself, “WOW. I wonder if miraculous stuff like this could ever happen in my life.. These men and women of God must have been VERY close to God, or maybe they were just a bunch of nobodies – magically chosen.”

We are all called to live an extraordinary life in Christ. Just as Daniel was rescued from the lions den, so God wants to show Himself strong on your behalf.

But, then why do we look around sometimes and find that our lives are so absent of the Spirit of God and His working?

So, are some people just more lucky than others? 1 Chronicles 16:9 says that the eyes of God are roaming to and fro upon the earth, searching to find the ONE whose heart is devoted to Him, and that is the one whom God will use to show off His power.

God doesn’t just use a nobody.

He uses the one who is willing to surrender Him and say yes to His will no matter the cost – whose heart is devoted to Him.

The Word of God says that many are called, but only few are chosen. If you look deeper into the meaning, it’s translated, “Many are called, but only few chose.” The Father has already called us into a deeper relationship with Him; He already has in place an extraordinary plan & purpose for you to accomplish. Now, He just ready for you to say, “Yes. I’m all in.”

If you’re ready to say yes to an extraordinary life in Christ, then this blog post is for you.

As I read through the book of Daniel in the beginning of the year, I was absolutely stunned – to say the least – at the character of Daniel. The Bible describes him as a man with an extraordinary spirit. (Dan. 6:3) He was the King’s consultant – found to have more wisdom and intelligence than all those in the land; he interpreted dreams and visions. God miraculously rescued him from a den of hungry lions. God’s Word says, “He was faithful and no corruption was found in Him.” He succeeded in all He did.

Here’s three principles we can learn from the extraordinary life of Daniel:

1. Daniel Made Up His Mind To Be Set Apart

Before Daniel’s life hardly begins Daniel 1:8 says, “But Daniel made up his mind that he would not defile himself with the king’s choice food or with the wine which he drank; so he sought permission from the commander of the officials that he might not defile himself.”

It’s known that Daniel was only 12 years old when He chose to eat healthy and not defile himself. He lived true to his convictions. He said no to that which the Father was calling him away from.

Before we can ever experience more, I belive that the Father is convicting us to make up our mind. What will we chose? Will we serve Him, or will we serve this world? Will we lay down our fleshly impulsions, old habits, strong desires – the King’s food – and instead, choose the path less walked – patience when we don’t get what we want, thankfulness during difficult moments, boldness when everyone else is quiet about their faith?

After he made up his mind to follow God with his whole heart, the Bible says, “Then Daniel began setting himself apart from the commissioners and satraps because he possessed an extraordinary spirit, and the king intended to appoint him over the entire kingdom.” (Daniel 6:3)

Daniel realized in order to walk with the Father, He could not walk just as men walked.

So, he began to set himself apart unto the Most High – by setting time aside to pray and worship, by choosing to be upright and truthful, by boldly walking out his faith.

2. Daniel Was a Fervent Man of Prayer

Daniel was known to be on His hands and knees pouring out his heart’s request before to the Father. A matter a fact, His peers who were jealous of him wanted to find a way to accuse him of wrongdoing. “But, they said to themselves, ‘We will not find any accusation against Daniel unless we find it against him in regard to the law of his God.” (Daniel 6:5) So, they signed a decree that any man who prays to his God shall be cast into the lion’s den.

The only way that they could find Daniel guilty was to find him praying.

Wow, what a compliment.

3. Daniel Feared and Obeyed God’s Law Over Man’s Law

“Now when Daniel learned that the document was signed, he entered his house (and in his roof chamber he had windows open toward Jerusalem); and he continued kneeling on his knees three times a day, praying and offering praise before his God, just as he had been doing previously.” Daniel 6:10

Once Daniel knew He could die for his faith, he still continued on doing what he had always done – praying and praising.

Daniel didn’t let man’s jealousy, rules or fear change his relationship with His Father.

Has fear of man and what they may think of you ever stopped you from loving God?

Soon after, Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den never to be seen again. However, later the King felt so much guilt for killing an innocent man that he sent orders to open the den. Daniel was alive!

“So Daniel was lifted up out of the den, and no injury whatever was found on him, because he had trusted in his God.” (Daniel 6:23)

Daniel did not fear death nor did he fear man. He trusted in God more than anything else, and the Father saved him.

This world and its fleeting pleasures can never save me or bring me life – only the Father can. Is all my trust in Him?

Just as Daniel lived an extraordinary life, so the Father has an incredible plan and purpose for you that may look different than everyone else’s. Right now His eyes are roaming the earth looking for just one whose heart is devoted to Him, and that is the one whom He will use. He’s ready to make your life extraordinary! Are you ready to go all in?

Connect with Adena over on Instagram here! You will be blessed!

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