changing our thought process through the seasons
Inspiration - Uncategorized

How God Created the Seasons for Our Benefit

What are the seasons to you? Is it a time when you see flowers or colorful leaves? Or do you think of the changing seasons as times for certain holidays?

The seasons of the year hold so much more worth than what many of us think.

God created the seasons for our benefit.

Every detail that He put into spring, summer, autumn, and winter were created for us. Each changing season is a time for us to change along with it.

There is so much I could go into about every season. How your mindset should shift. What foods you should eat each season. How you can decorate your homes. Or which of your body systems are affect during each season. But I want to keep this post rather short.

If you are interest in learning more about the seasons and how God created them for our benefit, I would encourage you to check out my new ebook “Living According to the Seasons.” It is full of everything you need to know!

But in this blog post, I want to discuss your mindset and how to change it along with the changing seasons.

  • Winter

Every season has a theme. And winter’s is hibernation, dormant, and inward. If you just look at the nature around you during the winter time, these themes are greatly displayed.

So how does this affect your mindset? Well, during the winter your thought process needs to become more inward. I don’t mean self focused. But I mean inwardly examining yourself and how you grew and failed over the previous year.

Did you follow God’s Word as much as you would have liked? How was your relationships? What goals did you complete last year?

Winter is a time to reflect on who you were and begin to create who you want to be in the next season.

  • Spring

Spring’s themes are rebirth and new life. With flowers budding and baby animals being born, this is your time to begin again as well. The earth is coming back to life after the winter and so can you.

That time of reflection is now turned into a time of growing. Take the things that you learned and that example of who you want to be and begin putting practical steps into practice to get there.

Spring is a time to begin growing in your goals, relationships, and character.

  • Summer

The theme for summer is abundance. This is when crops grow the best and you bring in a good harvest.

And the same thing can be true for your life during this time. This is when what you have been working on will come to fruition. You will see things being to come together in amazing ways.

But summer is also the time when things will get hot and hard. Just keep pushing forward because cool relief is ahead.

  • Autumn

The season of autumn has a two-sided theme, harvest and death. All the crops are being harvested, and this is the time you can enjoy your bounty for the year. But nature is also beginning to die away and preparing to hibernate once again.

For you, this is a time to be thankful for your accomplishments and what you have learned over the past year. But this is also the time to begin shedding away the things that you don’t necessarily need stored in your mind.

What doctrines do you need to let go of? Which thoughts are holding you down from living your full potential?

Autumn is the time to release what you don’t need and let it begin to die away. But it’s also the time to gather the good things that this last year has brought your way.

God created the seasons to benefit our mental health.

If you want to learn more about how to help your thought process during each season, or if you want to learn more about what foods to eat and how to decorate your home for each part of the year, click here to check out “Living According to the Seasons” to discover how God created the seasons for our benefit.

In His amazing love,

Hannah Marie

How can you incorporate some of this seasonal mindset into your life today?

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