should Christians listen to secular music
Faith - Inspiration - Uncategorized

Music and the Christian Girl

At the beginning of this year I decided to go on a music fast. I chose to only listen to Christian music for a month. Whenever I turned music on, it was only worship music.

I was as intentional as I could be during this month and wouldn’t have changed it for the world! I grew so much during this short journey.

Listening to music fills your mind with either lies or truth.

Music has been proven to change our moods and direct our way of thinking. So as followers of God, we need to be careful when it comes to what music we are listening to.

There are basically two kinds of music—secular and Christian. Not all secular music is bad or sinful. But we need to be careful with what music we allow ourselves to listen to.

Philippians 4:8 tells us, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, it there is any excellence, it there is anything worthy of praise, think on these things.

We must use wisdom and discernment when it comes to choosing what music to listen to.

I do listen to some secular music. But I try not to listen to it all of the time. I want to fill my mind with God’s truth. And worship music helps me do so.

Many popular secular songs encourage addiction, sex, and depression. Many takes the Lord name in vain. And some secular songs diminish the roles of men and women. I have also seen many girls become obsessed with the newest hit song. They idolize their favorite band or music artist.

But placing music as an idol in your life diminishes your relationship with God.

Like everything else in life, we must be wise in allowing certain things to enter our hearts and minds. We must view everything through the eyes of our Lord. Turn your questions over to Him and let Him direct your steps.

In His amazing love,

Hannah Marie

What are your thoughts on this topic? What are your views on Christian and secular music?

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