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    Is It Biblical to Anoint Your Home?

    Anointing your home is not a normal thing. It’s honestly rarely heard of among families, believers or not. So is it actually biblical to anoint your home? There is no commandment in the Bible that says “thou shalt anoint the doorpost of your dwelling place.” Yet there are many things that we have to figure out on our own, being led by the Holy Spirit, in this day and age. So is it biblical to anoint your home? Let’s dive into this question by starting with a different question. What is anointing? Whenever we see someone anointing something or someone…

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    Understanding Biblical Manhood as a Woman

    In today’s culture, men are looked upon as weak beings. They are strongly viewed in a negative light. And while most men in today’s world are not the masculine Prince Charming that all of us girls look for, there are some men that still live up to this standard. These men stand for what’s right, treat women with respect, and follow God’s ways. They try their best to live a life of biblical manhood. I have written on the blog before about biblical womanhood and living out your femininity in a God-honoring way. But in this post I want to…

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    7 Bible Verses Every Girl Needs to Know

    It can be hard to be a Christian girl in today’s society. With all of the comparison that comes from social media and our peers, staying true to your God-given identity can be hard. But God gives us so many verses that will turn us back to His ways and His design for us. Here are seven verses that I believe every girl needs to know: Proverbs 31:25-26 “Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.“ Psalm 139:14 “I…

  • Faith - Forgiveness - Inspiration - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    Becoming a Modern Day Hannah

    She kneeled down and began to pray. Tears streamed down her face as she unashamedly poured her heart out to the Lord. Hannah was an ordinary woman with ordinary struggles. But she was more than just her difficulties. She knew who her God was and how He could turn her circumstance around. Although Hannah was an ordinary woman, she had an extraordinary God. Hannah is an example to all Christian women. Here’s why: Her life was not perfect. Hannah’s story is told in 1 Samuel 1. Just from that one chapter we learn that Hannah was married to a man…

  • Inspiration - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    3 Lies Women Believe About Their Femininity

    The concept of biblical womanhood is something that is forgotten in our culture today. Instead of embracing their femininity, women tend to push it aside. Biblical womanhood is viewed as old-fashioned and not necessay for women today. If a woman embraces it, she is seen as weak. But all of that is a lie. God designed women for a purpose and with their own special abilities. The lies that this world tells about femininity is not true. Embracing your femininity does not make you less of a woman. It makes you the woman God intended you to be. There are…