• Faith - Inspiration - Uncategorized

    Following God’s Path for Your Life

    Sometimes life can be hard. Not knowing what’s around the corner can make us doubt our next move. Walking a straight path of life may seem impossible. Well I need to tell you that it is impossible. God never promised us that life would be simple. There is a quote that states, “Just because God’s path isn’t always understandable, doesn’t mean it’s not the right path.” Everyone’s path will look different and that’s okay. We are each unique. Each of us has a different purpose to live out. We will all go through different struggles and hardships. Your path may…

  • Faith - Forgiveness - Inspiration - Uncategorized

    Living Life Without Lows

    There will be times when we each will be in a low place. Whether that place comes from grief, shame, loss, or sadness, we each will experience that place of feeling so extremely low. Highs and lows come with life. But our choice is how long we stay in the low places. Life will throw curve balls at you. You will be hit with heartache and grief more times than you could count. But always remember that there is a God that is with you through both the highs and the lows. What you desire your life to be may…

  • Inspiration - Uncategorized

    3 Verses to Fuel Your Purpose

    She knew her purpose. She knew what God was telling her to do. From her life experiences and her passions, she knew the purpose God had planned for her. But there was a problem. There were days when that passion she had for her purpose would fade away. She felt like her purpose didn’t matter. That it didn’t encourage anyone the way she hoped it would. We all feel this way one time or another. We have a fiery passion for the purpose that God has given us. But somewhere along the way, we lose that passion. This leads to…

  • Faith - Forgiveness - Inspiration - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    Becoming a Modern Day Hannah

    She kneeled down and began to pray. Tears streamed down her face as she unashamedly poured her heart out to the Lord. Hannah was an ordinary woman with ordinary struggles. But she was more than just her difficulties. She knew who her God was and how He could turn her circumstance around. Although Hannah was an ordinary woman, she had an extraordinary God. Hannah is an example to all Christian women. Here’s why: Her life was not perfect. Hannah’s story is told in 1 Samuel 1. Just from that one chapter we learn that Hannah was married to a man…

  • Faith - Inspiration - Uncategorized

    Finding Purpose in Your Everyday

    What is purpose? And how can you find it in your everyday, hectic life? As a believer, your purpose will look different than what the world will tell you it looks like. Your purpose is so much more than the job you are pursuing or the degree that you earned. It is more than your role as a mother or sister. It is not just a label that the world likes to place upon us. As believers, our purpose in this life is special. Proverbs 19:21 tells us that “Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but…