• Faith - Inspiration - Uncategorized - Womanhood

    Becoming a Ruth in Today’s Society

    Her life was uprooted. She chose to leave behind the only things and place she knew. Her husband had died. And all of her hope seemed lost. But Ruth chose to do the hard thing. Ruth chose to leave her past behind and move forward. She chose to follow Naomi to a new place. Ruth chose to trust the Lord as she went into the unknown. And you know what? In the end, the Lord blessed Ruth beyond anything she could ever had imagined. Ruth’s story is told throughout the book of Ruth. And it is a beautiful story. It…

  • Inspiration - Relationships - Uncategorized

    5 Qualities of a Good Friend

    There is an Irish proverbs that discusses having a good friend. It states: “A good friend is like a four-leaf clover; hard to find and lucky to have.” This is so true. Having a good friends is very important. They are the people that will influence you. They will be there when you need them. And they will encourage you when you need it most. The Bible tells of the importance of having good people in your life. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 says “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil.For if they fall, one will…